An Extra Chapter : New Years!

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I could see my breath in the air.


It was freezing out as we all held up fireworks or sparkles.


Beast was busy holding up a bottle rocket, that's right, the ones that should be in a bottle.


Beast let the bottle rocket go as did the other guys and let out several whoops and screams.


"HAPPY NEW YEARS!" Mrs. H screamed over the crowd just before Mr. H pulled her into a kiss.

"Bea-" he cuts me off by landing a kiss right on me.

As he pulls back he lifts me into the air and spins, "happy new years doll!"

"Happy new years Beasty!" I yell back and hug him as he turns even more.

He sets me down and I lean into him as I watch everyone running around hugging and kissing each other.

All the kids are playing with each other or lighting fireworks.

"Mama!" Joey yells as he tugs on my leg, "Happy new yea!" He screams as I lift him.

I laugh and hold him on my hip, "Happy New Years baby boy."

He grins and kisses my cheek and Beast's as well.

I set him down as he runs off back to the other kids.

"Jojo!" I yell as I see her come around the corner. 

"Happy New Years Belly!" She screams and blows a kiss to me.

"Happy New Years Sweet thang!" I scream back and blow her a kiss.

"I love you Beast." I mumble as I turn to face him, my hands wrappes around his neck, hands playing with his nape.

He hands settle on my hips, rubbing circles into me, "I love you to Doll."

He bends over and gives me another kiss before pulling away and turning us back to the party. Fireworks can be seen from all over the town, loud music, beer and food.

Grinning, my heart swells with the love and happiness I can feel from the air tonight.

Nothing but pure happiness as I look around. Love and happiness fill the air, not a single dim look on anyones face. Smiles and laughter all around.

"Belly?" someone yells.

I turn around to find all six for my brothers standing there. I run over to each of them and kiss them on their cheeks, "HAPPY NEW YEARS GUYS!" I scream.

They each tell me happy new years and give me a kiss, "I love you all so much!" I cry and wipe the years falling down my face.

"So emotional you are," Beast says as he wraps an arm around me and tugs me backward into his chest.

Everyone laughs as I bat away Beast's hands, "I am not! I just missed my brothers!" I yell at him.

And again, eveeyone bursts into laughter.

"Beast, I have something to show you," I whisper.

"Does it involve you being naked?" He growls.

I shiver and shake my head, "no you goddamn horndog." I growl back and hit his chest.

I tug him along inside, making sure to ask Mrs. H to watch Joey for me for a second.

I grab the lone gift under the tree and turn to Beast, who looks beyond confused.

"Belly, what is that?" He grunts as he walks over to me.

I hold out the gift to him, "its for you!" I sqeak, nerves over taking me.

He eyes the box before taking it and ripping the colorful paper, "where was thid the othet night?" He asks.

"I wrapped it last night, it's special."

He gets to the small box, "I want you to know I love you. And I want you to know that whatever you find in there we can survive okay?" I tell him just before he opens the box.

"You're scaring me Doll, but I love you too, forever." he says just before he shakes the box, the bottom half falling into his waiting hand.

He picks up the pregnancy test, eyeing it before he picks up the note, "surprise! You're gonna be a daddy, again, its twins again, I hope you're happy!" He reads aloud as he looks up to me.

"Twins?" He asks, looking down at my still flat tummy.

I nod and wipe the tears from my face, "again." I laugh.

He drops the box and note before rushing to me and lifting me, he spins again, making me slightly nauseous before he yells, "IMA BE A DAD AGAIN!"

Laughing I grab his face and kiss him, "I take it you're happy then?"

He grabs my face back and kisses me again, "more so then ever."

Laughing I pull away and drag him outside, "everyone!" I call out catching their attention, "I have an announcement!"

Everyone looks at each other, smiles still cover the crowd, laughter still heard, "I'm pregnant!" I yell, laughter evident in my voice as Beast tugs me back before everyone comes rushing forward.

Everyone begins yelling and whooping, just as the girls rush forward to start congratulating me and then comes the guys, kisses and hugs and twirls.

"Also, its twins!" I yell over the crowd, to which I receive even more whoops and yells.

I look over at Beast, a smile on his face. Content, that's exactly how I'd describe him, content.

Happy, finally happy.

Someone brings him the kids, all three of him as he holds the twins on either hip and Joey stands in front, I let out a sob, this is it. This is what I'd always dreamed of.

New Years is meant to bring nothing but happiness. A new, clean slate for the upcoming year, a do over, reset if you will each year, for each person.

And my year has brought that, happiness, love and contentment. Nothing else nothing sad, nothing depressing.

I wipe the tears from my face as I walk over to my little family, I stand on my tippy toes and kiss Beast, and then my twins, and then my little marshmallow.

I lift him and turn to see Mrs. H holding a camera, flashing lights follow soon and I can only hope I don't look to messy.

Later that night, as the twins lay asleep and Joey in his room and Beast and I lay awake at night, I feel a smile take over my face.

A smile, that refuses to leave no matter what.

I turn and see Beast already staring at me, "I love you Doll."

I nod and kiss him for what feeos like the millionth time, "I love you too Beast."

"Thank you for giving me more then I could have ever asked for. Giving me the love and care I couldn't have found anywhere else. Thank you for being my wife, my lover and my bestfriend all wrapped into one. I will never leave your side, and I will always be here for you and the kids. I won't ever leave you again." He murmurs to me as he kisses all over my face.

The tears fall freely, "I love you so much Beast, I'm so thankful for you."

"Happy New Years baby." He whispers.

"Happy New Years."

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