Chapter 9

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"Doll, wake up. I know you don't want to but church is in ten minutes." Beast says shaking my shoulder.

"No." I mumble and grab the blanket and turn to the other side.

He's been trying for about thirty minutes to wake me up, and has failed every single time.

"Alright fine, you forced me to do this, remember that." He says and then lifts me with the blanket from the bed.

I let out a surprised scream, "Beast! Put me down!"

"No, you didn't wanna wake up for church, which you need to go to today and only today and because you need to eat and if you want anything from your parents house we need to go today." He says.

"You already know everything that happened, why can't you let me sleep and tell them?" I groan.

"Because, it'll make them more mad if they hear it from you."


Once we got to the room where church is held, Beast sat next to Me. H and sat me on his lap, I tried to move but he growled, 'more men are comin' and no one else is gonna sit next to my Doll.' I didn't fight much after that.

As soon as everyone was in the room, and I mean everyone at least 30 giant men where stuffed into a small room where only about 9 or 10 usually sit and vote on things. Me. H slammed his special gavel down on the little round wooden thing to quiet everyone down and stood, "So as most of you know we have a new guest," he shouted across the room and then gestured to me, "For anyone who doesn't know this is Ella Alexis Sun, yes she is the younger sister to the Sun boys. Most of us call her Belly, but if you're a new member or a prospect you call her Ella until she says otherwise you got it?"  He growls to the corner where I assume most of the newer members are and the prospects, "She needed help last night and called Beast here, in a moment she's going to explain to us what happened and what she plans on doing. I don't give a single fuck about what any of you want, its about her and whatever the fuck she wants. If you have any issues with that, get the fuck out and leave your cut on the bar counter." he waits a few moments, "No? Okay, you have the floor Belly."

Slowly I stand and make sure to keep the blanket wrapped around me because it's cold down here, "Uh. Hi y'all, so like he said I'm Ella or Belly, I'm fourteen. I was thrown out of my house yesterday by my parents because I've been talking and helping Beast her check on his family and my Dad doesn't like the mc or Beast at all. He told me on more then on occasion to stop speaking to Beast and I didn't listen because Beast is my friend, a very good friend at that. Yesterday my Dad not only found out his sons are prospecting for the very club he hates with all his might and that his daughter was disobeying him and speaking to the very person he hates. He told me he was no longer his daughter and he was no longer my Father. He called me a whore and told me to get out of his house and that he didn't care where I went or what I did. So I yelled at him and my mom because the entire time he was throwing me out she didn't say anything just looked down, and I told them to never speak to me again and that I hoped they were happy with the fact none of their kids want anything to do with them ever again. I packed two bags, went to the old church called my friends and asked to stay they all said no. I called Drew and Allen and that aren't in town and my other brothers have moved away for awhile so I only had Beast left. I called, he came and got me and brought me here." I finish and look around the room at the men.

All of them look extremely pissed off. They all look deadly and I know they aren't mad at me but it still sends several chills down my spin.

"So whatcha gonna do?" Someone from the back calls.

"Shes stayin' with me." Beast says before I have a chance to. 

"Here?" Another questions.

"No shit, where else are we gonna stay Joker?" Beast says rudely.

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