Chapter 26

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~January of the next year.~

"Beast, its another boy." I say through the phone as I drive back to the house from the doctors office.

"Fuck yeah baby! Its a boy fuckers!" He calls to the guys.

Laughing, I hear him let out a sigh, "have you thought of names Doll?"

I nod even though he can't see me, "I really like Jason or Julian." I say as I glance to the back to check on Joey who fell asleep at the doctors.

"Julian, I really like Julian."

Smiling, "then Julian it is."

~Its May, so Ella is 8 months pregnant.~

"Doll sit down woulda?" Beast growled as I stood from the couch.

Glaring I turn and wobble into the kitchen to put away the dirty dishes.

Unlike when I was pregnant with Joey, I gained all the weight with Julian. At least 15 pounds have been added to my once thin self and everyone was slowly loosing their minds over me doing the smallest things like walking. Beast basically carried me everywhere like a caveman and when he couldn't, he'd have someone else carry me.

He refused to let me lift anything and would yell at me when I carried something that weighed basically nothing. I was pretty much put on bed rest by Beast, by I think it is the cutest thing in the world.

"What time is the doctors appointment?" Beast growled as I made my way back to the bedroom.

"Three, today. Why?"

"I was just wondering Doll, now get your ass back in that bed and for fucks sake stop walking."

Giggling I nod and climb onto the bed to take a nap.

"I'll get you at two, okay Doll?" He grunts from the doorway.

I give him a thumbs up and turn in the bed.

"So this here," the women points at the screen, "is his face," she moves along, "his hands, feet and look at that, all ten fingers and toes."

Looking over at Beast, his face is glued to the screen. His eyes moving around very fast trying his best to take everything in. His eyes glaze over and he looks down at me and smiles the most beautiful smile I've ever seen grace his handsome face, "we made that Doll." He whispers close to my face.

I nod and he wipes away a tear on my face and leans in to give me a kiss, "yes we did Beast."

~Two Nights Later.~

"Beast!" I scream from the bathroom.

"Beast, please!" I beg him from my place on the floor as I clutch my stomach.

I finally hear him tumble from bed waking Joey as well because I hear him start to cry. He rushes through the door, his eyes wide in freight, "what?! What's wrong Ella?!" He screams.

"Somethings wrong." I whisper as the tears threaten to choke me.

"What do you mean somethings wrong?" He asks crouching down closer to me.

"We need together to the hospital," I say gently trying to stand, "right fucking now Beast. Take Joey and Luna to the clubhouse and Lethal can help me into the truck." He looks at me unsure, "go!"

He nods and runs from the room as I lean back against the tub breathing hard and rubbing my stomach.

Beast's P.O.V

Running from our room upstairs, I get Joey and run downstairs to the room Lethal and Luna share, "Lethal!"

"Lethal!" I bang on his door and he finally opens it, obviously upset and worried.

"What?" He growls.

"Somethings wrong with the baby, I'm taking Luna and Joey to the clubhouse. Help Ella go the truck." I quickly tell him and set Joey in his stroller and then pick Luna up.

"What the hell happened?" He asks running next to me.

"I have no idea, she woke me up screaming in the bathroom and told me something was wrong and to go to the hospital." I tell him.

He nods and turns running up the stairs, I rip open the door and as gently and quickly as possible I start the walk to the clubhouse. I get there in under ten minutes, banging on the gate someone finally opens it.

"Take the kids, tell everyone Ella, me and Lethal need to go to the hospital." I yell at the prospect.

His eyes widen and he looks unsure, "be a fucking man and do it!" I yell.

He quickly nods and takes Luna from my arms and the stroller handle and runs across the parking lot to the bar door. Sighing, I turn and see Lethal pulling in behind me with a very distressed looking Ella in the backseat.

Jumping into the backseat, I lift Ella's head and lay it on my lap wiping her tears, "calm down baby doll. Everything is fine." I whisper to her.

She nods, her eyes wide in freight and she continuously rubs her stomach, "I'm scared Beast." Her voice is horse and quiet as she talks.

Leaning over I give her forehead a kiss, "me too Doll. Me too."

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