"Okay, then why are we standing here? Everyone get up and go pack! Then meet in the living room for pizza, we still need dinner" Liam announced as the boys start walking out of our room one by one.

I turn around, looking at our trashed room. I look over to Ariana, giving her the best smile I could make, seeing her already looking back at me.

"Okay, let's get packing" Ariana declares as we both let out a sigh in unison.


A half hour later. I stood there with most of our bags pack and the room almost clean, Ariana helped of course. Everything was clean but the big word 'surprise' that was spray painted to the wall.

Ariana walked out of the bathroom with her hair soaked, having just taken a shower. I took one before her and it made me feel a lot better than I did after Brad hung up on me.

I could see something was on Ari's mind by the face she had. I was going to ask her what's wrong before Zayn popped his head into the room and told us that the pizza has just arrived. She walked out of the room silently behind Zayn.

I looked at the room once more, letting another sigh pass my lips as I looked at the red spray paint covering the hotel's wall.

I got to the living room and sat between Zayn and Niall, taking a slice of pizza. I realized how hungry I really was when I took a bite of the food. With all of the drama lately, I've had so many things on my mind. I've been forgetting to eat as often as I normally do.

"Okay, so Niall and I found the tickets and they're all bought. We pick them up at the desk at the airport when we get there. It's at one in the afternoon tomorrow" We all nodded, enjoying our pizza too much to say anything. "Sleep in tomorrow everyone, we've all had a lot going on and we have some time to sleep in. No one gets up before ten, am I clear?" Harry spoke, looking directly at me throughout most of the mini speech he gave. I looked at him and slowly nodded, agreeing that I did need some more sleep and to get my mind off of everything that was happening at the moment.

"Okay.  So it's eleven right now, our flight is at 1㏘ tomorrow. Everyone should go and get their sleep now" Liam spoke up, taking control of the situation and saying what was on everyone's mind at the moment.

We all finished up our pizza and everyone went to their rooms for the night. Ariana and I got up from the couch and smiled at each other before heading the opposite direction of our room. She went to Zayn's door as I went to Niall's. We both agreed while we were packing that the room freaked us out a little too much to be sleeping in it.

I watched as Ariana knocked on Zayn's door and disappeared inside the room. I took a deep breath and slightly knocked on Niall's door. Not hearing an answer the first time around, I knocked on his door a second time, this time a little harder.

I heard a quite 'come in' before popping my head into the room, not fully going in afraid that I might be intruding. I smiled slightly as I saw a shirtless Niall sitting on the bed.

Niall's head turned away from the playing TV and towards the door where he saw me standing there. He smiled some before he motioned for me to come into the room the rest of the way. I stepped in the room completely and quietly shut the door behind me.

Awkwardly standing there, I stayed quiet, not being exactly sure as to how to ask the question. "Did you need something Demi?" He asked curiously with that adorable accent of his.

"Uh, yeah... I came to ask you a question" I mumbled, rocking back and forth on my feet.

Even with how low I spoke, he still managed to hear me, "Okay, then what's the question?"

The Coffee Girl (Diall Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now