Chapter 23

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AN: I am sooooo sorry for keeping you guys waiting so long. I feel really bad but to be honest with you guys, I lost my motivation completely with writing these past couple months. It wasn't fun anymore. But it's back now and I've been writing all day. I'm writing the next chapter right now actually, maybe I can have it up by tomorrow. Who knows

But for now, enjoy Chapter 23

Sorry for the long wait



*Demi’s POV¨

¨Well, nothing. You forgot your phone in the living room, it’s vibrating.¨ I grabbed my phone from Louis’ hand and looked at the screen to a number I don’t think I could ever forget. Contemplating on whether I should answer or not, my finger slid across the screen and I picked up. My hand moved towards my ear, shaking the whole time. Before I could even get a breath out I heard his unforgettable voice;

¨So I heard you just landed in London, how was the flight?¨



*Demi’s POV*

¨So I heard you just landed in London, how was the flight?¨ I glared at the wall in front of me, you could practically hear the smirk in his voice.


¨I really don’t think that’s any of your business Brad¨

¨Oh, but I think it is. You are my business now, ever since I got those photos. You wouldn’t want everybody seeing them, now would you?¨

I glared at the wall in front of me and sighed, knowing he was right. ¨Hey!¨ I turned around and saw Ariana marching up to me, ¨I don’t think this is the best time right now¨ she huffed angrily into the phone before hanging it up. 

¨You know, you really don’t have to do that. I could’ve handled that on my own.¨

She looked at me with a knowing smirk, ¨Riiiiight. That’s why Brad has those pictures.¨ I pushed her down on the bed as we both started laughing. ¨Come on, let’s go out somewhere. You need something to get your mind off of everything.¨


I smiled at her and nodded, ¨Lets gooooo¨




I was walking back down the familiar streets of London with Ariana by my side. It was around dinner time, the boys said they were going to stay behind and meet us at this random restaurant at about seven, dinner time. It was only 6:30 and Ariana and I spent the day shopping and we saw a movie. It was nice to just spend a day with my best friend like we always did, no worries and just joking around. I needed more of these days.

¨So, you and Niall?¨ I groaned and rolled my eyes while Ariana started laughing. Me and Niall? There was nothing going on between us. We were friends… nothing more. Nothing less. No matter how much I said that there was always this voice in the back of my head you know you want to be more than friends, you want to be the one cuddling with him every night, feeling his lips against yours, getting all of his attention, YOU want to be his girlfriend. But like always, I push that voice to the back of my head and focus back on Ariana who’s looking at me with a smirk.

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