Chapter 11

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"Ariana? D-Demi?" We snapped our heads into the direction of the voice to see Niall standing at the door with a shocked and hurt expression plastered across his features.

"Niall" I breathed out

He snapped out of whatever trance he was in and stomped out of the room.

I rushed right out after him, apologizing to Ariana and calling after Niall.


*Demi's POV*

"Niall!" I called out to him, "NIALL!"

"WHAT?" He turned around and shouted out harshly. I flinched back a little, somewhat frightened from his angered voice.

I was so confused, why would he be angry at me? What did I do?

"Why'd you leave? I was calling you and you just ignored me!" I started to get a little angry, he just ignores me?

He sighed and physically looked like he calmed down, "You were kissing Ariana. No, not even kissing. You were MAKING OUT with Ariana" He seemed to stress out the words 'making out'.

"Yeah? And? What does that have to do with anything?" I questioned confusingly, tilting my head a little to the side.

"It" He started, but stopped himself right away, looking for the words to say, "I don't know"

"Then why'd you run out? How come you wouldn't answer me?"

"I don't know!"

"You do know! You didn't stomp out of our room all mad and say nothing was wrong. I realize that you are mad at what Mandy did, but that doesn't mean you should be stomping around everywhere, especially OUT of our room."

"I just, I don't know why I did that, just let this all go please" He asked pleadingly with puppy eyes.

"Fine" I huffed out, turning around and walking back to Ariana.


*Niall's POV*

"Fine" Demi huffed out, turning around and walking back into our room.

If only she knew, what I do for her. How much fighting I go through because of her. But then again, I can't blame her.

This isn't exactly her fault though, it's mine. This is pretty much all my fault, I'm the one who developed the liking to her. Now that I would be temporarily sharing a room with her and Ariana, I thought I would get to see her more, spend some more time with her.

NOT walk in to see her making out with Ariana.

I thought she was straight. I thought she JUST broke up with her boyfriend Brad, doesn't that mean she's straight. Unless she's bisexual.....

That's an option, but even if she was, this is a little too early for her to be doing something like this. There is such thing as a rebound but with her best friend? This all just doesn't make any sense.

I walked into the kitchen and sat down on a stool to see Liam getting the glass plate pieces off of the floor.

Walking over to him, I bent down and started helping him. He looked up at me and gave a semi sympathetic smile. I gave him a small fake smile back, I don't need any pity.

Louis came in and stepped in the middle of us. We both looked up and saw Louis looking down at us, "Let's go, we're going to have some fun. Let's do something! It's our time off and we're in the BAHAMAS!!!!"

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