Chapter 26

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A/N: So I planned out that I'm writing a couple more chapters and then ending the fanfic. Probably to like 31-32. Just because a lot of you just want me to finish it and I realized how many chapters I did and how stupid it would be to just end it right now. So here's chapter 26 wooo




*Demi's POV*

¨Demi?¨ He spoke up after a few minutes of silence.


¨Um... Will you be my girlfriend?¨

I opened my eyes to see him looking down at me, I smiled a little up at him before kissing his cheek, ¨I would love to¨


*Demi's POV*

¨I would love to¨ I can't believe it. I'm Niall's girlfriend, I honestly never thought that this would ever happen. He's NIALL HORAN and I'm just me, plain old Demi. I can't believe he likes me.


The photos, they're out! How could I just sit here and pretend I'm living this fairy tale in the hotel with all of them when I'm going to step out of here and get more hate then I could ever imagine. Why is he doing this to me? Why can't I just have a little break? I just want to be happy for a while but noooo. Something has to come in and ruin everything good in my life. 

¨Hey Demi?¨


¨Is everything okay?¨ He picked up his arm that wasn't wrapped around me and wiped my cheek, ¨you're crying. What's the matter?¨

I looked up at his worried face and took a deep breath before spilling everything that was in my mind, ¨No. I'm really not okay. The pictures that no one was ever supposed to see are out to the public and everyone in the world probably hates me right now and I'm sitting here thinking I'm in this fairy tale world right now because you just asked me out and you make me really happy and I just don't want this to end but I know the moment I step out of this room and the hotel someone is going to notice me and the paparazzi are going to bug me about this and your fans are going to call me all these names since they hate me and I'm honestly not mentally prepared to be hated by the whole world and this is really hard for me to tell you, i'm so used to keeping everything inside and not telling anything to anyone but right now I just need you. I need help. I don't know how to deal with something like this and I'm ready to break down. Just the thought of all of this is giving me anxiety, I can't even imagine actually going through this. I'm afraid to leave this hotel¨ By now the tears were running down my cheeks and my face was probably all red and my breathing was fast and it was getting harder for me to talk without making a complete fool out of myself.

¨Demi, this whole thing isn't going to be easy. No where near it. But guess what? You have the boys, you have Ariana and you have me. That's what I know. And I'm not going to let you go through anything alone, I'll be by your side every step of the way and none of us are going anywhere. You're not alone¨ He wiped the tears off my face that started slowing down after hearing that.

You're not alone.

I curled up into his side as he kissed the top of my head and started rubbing my back. My eyes hurt from crying so much and honestly all I want to do sleep right now. ¨Hey Niall?¨ We looked up as Liam walked into the room. ¨The label just called. We need to go in for an emergency meeting about the upcoming tour.¨ 

The Coffee Girl (Diall Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora