Chapter 6

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AN: I'm back! And with the part of whether Ariana has the honor of living on in my story or not! Yayyy :) I love writing this story and from the feedback, it looks like you all love it too :)



He (the doctor) stared at me with that same serious face he has had since he walked out of the room. "Well, Ms. Lovato, Ariana is-"


*Demi's POV*

"Well, Ms. Lovato, Ariana is-" He started, taking a few second break in between for who knows what reason. Those few seconds that he paused for felt like an eternity. The next word would tell me whether Ariana was alive or not, was okay or not, was still my best friend or not. This killed me, in the next few seconds I would be crying. Whether out of happiness or pure depression. His next word changed my life.

"doing just fine! We're still not sure on how exactly she came back to life when she was dead, that will stay a mystery for now. And her heart had a little trouble, but she's okay now." My whole body flooded with relied as tears of joy started to stream down my face. "You can go see her now."

And with that, the doctor walked away, leaving a crying girl behind. I was so happy right now that I really didn't care about anyone that wasn't Ariana.

At least now I won't hate the person who 'killed' Ariana as much. Don't get me wrong, I still do, just not as much as I did before.

I walked into the room that held my best friend to see her lying on the bed with her eyes closed. I took a few steps closer to see her open her eyes slowly and them wander around the room until they land on me.

She smiled slightly, me returning the gesture. "Hey, are you ok?" She started out smiling, but as she continued her smile turned into worry.

"Me? Am I okay? Are you kidding me? You were just DEAD ten minutes ago. Now you're alive and I. I just-" I stopped when more tears started to stream down my face. "I can't help BUT cry because I'm so happy, I didn't lose my best friend!"

"Awe! I love you Demz! And of course you wouldn't lose me! I would never leave you alone at this time and I" She was cut off by a groan coming from the other bed. We both looked over that way to see the girl that 'killed' Ariana waking up.

"Hello" She croaked out. Then she looked over at us "Who are you people?" Wow. She just woke up and she's already being a bitch.

"None of your business" I shot back, glaring at her. The second deadly glare of the night.

"Whatever" She huffed. "Is Niall here?" Why does she want Niall? "None of your business" She said, mimicking what I said not even a few seconds ago.

Oops. Did I say that out loud?

"Yes, yes you did" She stated, looking proud and annoyed for some odd reason. I rolled my eyes and walked out back into the hallway mumbling 'I'll be back'. I kind of felt guilty for leaving Ariana with her, but I needed to get Niall.

As the door opened, the five heads that belong to the five boys shot up and look at me. Niall's eyebrows shoot up in confusion as to why i'm out here.

"The bitch is awake" I say bluntly. All of them laugh, excluding Niall. Niall pops his eyebrows up even more in shock. I roll my eyes and walk back in the room, going to sit next to Ariana.

A few seconds later, they trample in the room, one after the other. Harry, Liam, Louis and Zayn still laughing and Niall behind them looking somewhat pissed.

The Coffee Girl (Diall Fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя