Chapter 24

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*Niall's POV*

I looked at him, trying to process what he just told me, you know you want to at least hear the plan. It could give you a chance at dating Demi. You like her, stop denying it. Do it. Sighing, I actually gave into the little voice in my head and sat down at the table again:

¨What’s the plan?¨


*Niall's POV*

¨What's the plan?¨ I asked looking at Louis who had a smirk on his face the entire time

¨Well that's the easy part to this, we just get you a 'girlfriend'. She will pretend to date you and you will act all cute with her, Demi's reaction to it will determine whether she likes you or not.¨

I thought about what he just said for a little bit. Would this really be a good idea? What if she actually does like me? This could hurt her.... I don't want to see her sad. ¨I don't know Lou, what if this back fires in our faces? The last thing I want is for Demi to get hurt.¨

¨Everything will be okay, just trust me Niall. I know what I'm talking about. But the question is, do you want to go through with this?¨

¨I don't know....¨ I hesitated, should I really be doing this? This could blow up right back into my face. But this could also work, Louis could be right and I'll find out what Demi thinks. 

¨What could go wrong? I know a friend who would be willing to do this, she's really nice and she loves love. So helping two people get together? She'll do this for us. What do you say?¨

I stared at the two impatient faces waiting for my answer, ¨Ummm....let's do this¨ I let out, hoping that I really wouldn't regret this. Like Louis said:

What could go wrong?


It was the next day and I was pacing back and forth throughout my room waiting for Sarah to arrive. Demi went out with Ariana again today, she's just been relaxing these past couple of days and having a good time. I'm really happy for her, she really needs this time to forget about everything going on.

¨Niall, she's here. Get out here¨ Louis came barging into the room before pulling me out into the living room where Sarah was standing looking around the room. She looked gorgeous, not as beautiful as Demi is. I shook my head a bit before pushing the thoughts out of my head and walking up to her, I went to shake her hand to introduce myself but she pushed my hand away and kissed my cheek, hugging me. I stared at her in shock as I wrapped my arms around her waist for a minute.

¨Hey, I'm Sarah. Your 'girlfriend' for however long.¨ She mentioned when we let go of each other, a light pink tint coloring her face, ¨Oh. And sorry for....that. I just figured since we were going to be pretending to date, might as well get used to it and not have any awkward tension between the two of us. But I really do all works out as you guys planned this to, you two seem like you would make an amazing couple.¨

I laughed a little, running a hand through my hair nervously before introducing myself, ¨I'm Niall¨ By the look on her face, it looks like I just said the most obvious thing in the world. She sure is full of energy. I let out a nervous laugh before suggesting to go out somewhere to get to know each other a little before having to act like a couple. The only people who to knows this is fake is Louis and Zayn, the two who proposed the idea in the first place.

We walked out of the hotel and went to a low key tea and coffee shop to talk some without too many people recognizing us. I love my fans but the last thing I need is everyone seeing us and making up rumors about us dating, that's the plan. But not many people are supposed to know about it, just the people in the hotel. As we were about to get into the car we passed by Demi and Ariana who gave me a smile, so Sarah had me wrap my arm around her waist and she kissed my cheek before grabbing my hand, intertwining our fingers and getting into the car with me right behind her.

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