Final Author's Note

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After nearly two years I've finally finished Immortals. I joined Wattpad in Decemeber 2012 and this was the first thing I ever posted. I took it down, unhappy with it and intended to rewrite it. I did, in late 2012 or early 2013 don't quite remember and then as I got to chapter fifteen or so the idea for The Illidred Chronicles grabbed me in a choke hold and I moved away from it.

So now, nearly two years after I penned the first draft Immortals is now marked as completed and I am so happy I've finally been able to share the ending with all of you. =)

But I couldn't have done it alone so here is a list of people I need to thank for helping me do this!

God-for all the blessings He's given me over the years.

Liviamay-for being the very first person to read this back in the early days of my Wattpading.

Noushka-for being my biggest cheerleader on this story. You're love for this story means the world to me! =) (Also made me the epic cover and supports every other thing I've written.)

Angel_Davis-You read this too and you're one of my favorite authors so that makes you awesome! =D

My sister-because she actually read this, I hope you're proud of me!

AlyxMck-for that awesome trailer!

StartARebellion-For your support on this story =) it means so much to me that you read my work. You've seriously read everything I've written and even reviewed one of my books on your blog. =)

And lastley, every single one of my readers, ghost readers, readers that voted, readers that commented, any of you. If you've made it this far and liked this story THANK YOU! =D *tackles you in a hug* it means the world to me!

That's it, I've finally told Xande'rs story and I think wherever he goes now he's going to be okay so only one thing left to say!

Write on! =D

Immortals (Completed and Unedited)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat