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"Nice," I commented as I saw down in the grey seats next to Chance as the sleepwalking driver drove a bus full of us an our former inmates down the NYC streets. "So let me get this straight all you do is put them to sleep and then make their dreams what you want them to do?"

"It's less complex than that," Chance told me, propping her feet up on the seat in front of us. "They're not wholly asleep, or they'd be passed out on the ground. The part of their mind they control is sleeping, the part that they don't is what I'm manipulating."

"So their conscious mind is zonked out and their unconscious mind is your bitch?" I asked scratching the back of my neck certain crashing in that shithole alley back in Vegas gave me fleas. If humans could get fleas...

"Pretty much," she said with a snort as she tried not to laugh at my summing up of her new found powers. "Wonderful way of putting it."

"That's pretty awesome," I commented nudging her shoulder with my elbow rewarded with a smile.

"Yeah," she drawled sounding more bored than anything. "But it's not as cool as the lightening and flying. You look like a scrawny Superman doing that. Probably more handy in a fight too, being able to fry someone is way more effect then making them sleepwalk."

"It just looks cool,"I said with a shrug, "I can't really direct it anywhere. So how did you make all those passengers strip?" I asked averting my eyes as our rag-tag army changed out of their jumpsuits and into the sort of stolen clothes.

"Same way I got the driver, I just made them dream is all," she said with a shrug. "You know how useful this would've been years ago?"

"Yes," I replied, "we might never have made our daring escapes and just been on the run. Our parents might've guessed that too, but what I don't get is how they got the spell on us, but whatever." I shrugged, fingering the rifle in my arms, making sure the safety was on like I was scared it had somehow changed in the last two minutes. I hated having a loaded firearm on public transport, it made me feel like I really was a criminal. "It's a mystery for a later time, we'll find out after we win this right?" I said the words, but they felt like sandpaper in my mouth. I didn't really believe them, I just believed that I could wait for something evil to kill me and die. Or I could meet the something evil and get a few good swings in and then die. I liked option two the most and I saw Chance grin at me, though I felt like she deserved an Emmy or some other acting award for making it look real if you didn't know her better.

"Yeah," she replied, swallowing hard. "So what should we do when we get there? Split up or stay together?"

"Stay together," I said instantly.  "There are twelve gods we need to get one right away, after that it should be easy to get rid of the other eleven main ones.  The minor ones we should be able to pick off as we please once the Council is faded." That last word left me but I hadn't known I knew what it meant 'til I said it.


"Once I get this through Zeus," I said pulling out Kronos's scythe. "I take his place. Just like he did with his dad, that's why he was the king of the gods instead of someone smarter and kinder like Hestia."

Chances eyes lit up. "So if you stab your dad before the others then you..."

"That's the general idea," I admitted with a shrug as I changed the blade back into a gun. It was that much easier to transport and hide then. "History tends to repeat itself with these guys, notice that? Their parents trapped them in a place they couldn't break out of without outside help and they knocked them off their thrones and tried to make things better. Now they did the same things to their kids and what are we doing here?"

Immortals (Completed and Unedited)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz