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  • Dedicated to Everyone who read this far.

The gunshots, the shouts of pain, the final breaths all of the noise died away to a background buzzing as Mikey grinned at me. He rasied his hand, and a ball of yellow light grew in it like Dragon Ball Z and with a wicked smile it launched like a coment and I dove to the ground as it crashed into the people behind me and I smelled burning flesh and heard screams of complete agony.

"It's Apollo actually," he told me as a bow and arrow materialzied out of nowhere and he fired one. The golden staff bright as the sun. I instinctively blew a gust of wind across the room remembering the archery unit in PE. The arrow missed me by an ich the window it smashed into shattering and melting on contact.

I jumped to my feet, heart pounding and weapon out. "What the Hades? You can't be Apollo you're my friend! You wouldn't have just let me go into that place and not have tried-!"

He laughed, notching another arrow and testing the bow string a second like this wasn't a life-or-death duel. Just like it was pratice and we had all the time in the world. "Damn I knew you were an idiot, but I didn't think you were this bad. I like keeping tabs on my siblings, let's me know who I have to worry about."

"WE WERE FRIENDS!" I shouted, disbelief a tsunami through my mind. This couldn't be, it wasn't even possible. Chance dressing like a hooker and dying her hair hot pink was more likely than Mikey being a god! Mikey who couldn't talk to girls, Mikey who couldn't cook a decent meal if his life depended on it. Mikey who was my best friend next to Chance was not a god! He was not Apollo and he was not trying to kill me, he couldn't! We were friends! This just wasn't happening! "There is no way this is real! Mikey I've always been like your brother since the eighth grade what the hell man?"

Mikey laughed and raised his bow, eyes turning from their normal brown to golden like the sun. "I am your brother moron. Or at least a half-brother, and there is no way I'm about to let my half-mortal brother become king of the gods. You're not cut out for it." The arrow flew and I let another blast of wind go but Mikey-or Apollo whatever-wasn't going to keep them coming forever. Sooner or later he was going to blast me with an attack I couldn't doge or deflect. My wind was fast, but not faster than the speed of light and that was what would kill me sooner or later. I was guessing it was going to be sooner.

I backed up and spat on the floor, my spit still read from my brawl with Ares. "And what?" I asked, anger hot as lava  and hurt like sharp glass mixing with my disbelief. "You are? You let all of us rot in some Hell and  you want to be king? You think you're cut out for it? Damn I thought I was supposed to be the idiot!" My voice started to rise as I talked and my anger grew too. So my best friend was a liar? Fine. So he was my half brother? Fine too. So he was a god who was just out for power like dear old dad? Fine, he wasn't the first person to betray me and my trust, wasn't going to be the last either. But there was no way on the gods green Earth I was going to let him take Zeus's throne.

"Oh you are," he assured me with a grin that made me squint they were brighter than his eyes. I focused on the spot past him, one right above his head where I saw a flash of red hair being ripped apart in the wind. Chance was battling it out with some god and the cold feeling that overtook me told me it was none other than my dad. I had to think of a plan, and I had to do it fast. I gripped my scythe tighter and began to move around a bit, working my way closer to Apollo and by extension Zeus.

Apollo narrowed his glowing eyes at me and notched another arrow as chaos raged around us, gods and demigods brawling and shouting in pain as they fought to kill. "No you beat me," I replied with gritted teeth, trying to keep my eyes on Apollo and Zeus at the same time. Whatever was going on, Chance was fighting a loosing battle. As huge of an asshole as he was, he was the most powerful god. I had to get rid of him and then this would be over. I egan to shiver, the Fates power chilling every part of my body.

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