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My dreams were a random assortment of three-headed lizards and orange fur. When I came to the first thing I saw was a halo of gold and some green orbs. I blinked and I realized the orbs and gold were someone’s hair, and their eyes. “Where am I?” I asked as my eyes focused in on the girl sitting next to me. Whoa…okay she’s pretty. But she might've helped or is helping the crazy bitch that abducted me...Or maybe she wasn't...This could be really bad or really good  “My apartment,” said the girl tucking her thick blonde hair behind her ear. “You’re pretty banged up so please try not to move so much."

“Okay,” I grunted sitting up as best I could with one arm, which was when I noticed the sling. “How’d I get here?"

“Chance brought you here,” the blonde said handing me a sandwich and a glass of milk. “Eat,” she said placing them in my hand.  When I did, I caught the smell of peanut butter, and a shadow crossed her face. “You aren’t allergic to nuts are you?” she asked looking scared.

“Not allergic to anything,” I said taking a bite out of the sandwich the peanut butter thick and nutty just like it should be.  “Now, who are you?”  I asked through a mouthful of peanut butter. I don’t know much about this chick, sure she seems nice, but I am curious as to who she and that redhead are, and just what they want from me

“I’m Alexa Benet, but all of my friends call me Lex. And you are?” she asked holding out her hand to me.

I quickly wiped my peanut stained fingers on the sling around my bad arm and took her hand. “Xander Shannon; thanks for the food. Who’s this Chance person?” I asked taking another bite and a swig of milk. Proud that I remembered to keep my manners and say thank you.

“I am,” said a new voice that made me turn my head, my mouth stopped mid-chew. I saw a tangle of flaming orange hair and weird eyes. Her face is  lot cleaner now then I remember and her hair looked a bit darker for some reason.  She nodded at me. “Good to see you’ve come to Xander. How’s the shoulder?”

I stared at the freaky orange-haired, purpled-eyed; girl sitting on the opposite couch in what I can now see is a fluffy blue robe. Looks like she’d showered while I was out, “Um how do you know my name?” I asked after I swallowed the remainder of the food in my mouth.

“You told me you idiot,” she said rolling her eyes which gave me the strangest sensation that I was high. “What do you remember before you passed out?”

“A giant three headed monster trying to barbeque me.” I answered because that one was the most vivid.  Almost getting eaten by a three-headed monster was not easily forgotten. “And you, tumbling out of a trash can, and saying  you helped me if I'd help you."

Alexa’s eyes  when I said that and she started mouthing words that I didn’t get. “Chance please tell me you didn’t trick him."

The redhead-Chance- shrugged, “I didn’t trick him he said he'd help me."

Alexa looked back at me wide opened mouthed, “You made that oath on your own?”

“Big deal,” I said, “It’s just words really, unless she gets that Unbreakable Vow from Harry Potter or gets it in a legal document I don’t have to do it if I don’t want to.” I stopped talking when I saw the look on Alexa’s face. Clearly I was missing something very important.  “Um, is there something you aren’t telling me?"

“The River Styx,” Alexa said slowly, “is that what you swore on?”

“No," I said, taking another bit of my sandwich. "What is it exactly?” I said suddenly sure this was what I was missing

“A river in the Underworld,” Alexa said wrapping her arms around her stomach, “to make a vow on that…you can’t break it." She sounded all serious and grim like this was a wake for someone, not a good sign at all. Though she did look cute when she was worried, her lower lip stuck out more and her nose got all wrinkled hiding some of the freckles I'd seen when she was hovering over me.

Immortals (Completed and Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now