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“Gorgons?” I squeaked feeling like a mouse in a wheel. Sure I sounded like one too, but I felt something else too that made me like the mouse. I was trapped, running hard on a way that wouldn't get me anywhere. My heart began to beat like the hooves of a racing horse. Adrenaline spiked my blood and everything sharpened. The darkening sky, the blur of headlights, the scent of powdered donuts and sweat, the sound of my heart beat thudding in my ears was a hundred times more clear and I glanced over at Chance who was messing with her ponytail again, mouth set in a hard line.

“Yes, all three I think Medusa, Setheno and Euryale.  All can turn people to stone; Medusa’s only famous because of Perseus slaying her." she said, eyes darting everywhere, her mouth barely moving making me think she wasn't fully talking to me.

“Three girls ugly enough to turn people to stone?" I joked hoping some light-hearted words would help with the anvil of pressure that was on my chest and I wasn't sure if it was fear or heartburn. "Damn we have bad luck.”

“Tell me about it,” Chance said taking her hair out again and again. “I’ve got a plan.”

“Listening,” I said putting more pressure on the accelerator and I felt that hot, stingy burn spread up my chest. Okay it was heartburn (and there was probably fear in there too.) "What have you got? I am open to anything."

“Are you okay with being bait? Can you run fast enough?” she asked.

“Yeah if I get the gun,” I said my heart turning to lead and I didn't totally believeg myself, but there was no way I was letting Chance try and outrun three butt ugly monster-ladies. I’d almost gotten her killed because of our run in with Ares and Hestia. I wasn’t going to let that happen twice. If anyone was taking this risk I was.

She nodded and swallowed hard once and her expression reminded me of when I drank glasses of milk too fast.  “Fine roll down my window.”

“Gotcha why?” I said even as I pressed the button and wished she'd just take the wheel and I could jump out before I lost whatever courage I did have.

“So you don’t have to outrun a car,” she answered sticking her torso out the window and firing three shots off the pistol. Sounds like firecrackers went off with short rapid popping nosies followed by a  loud screech and bang noise.

“There,” she said sticking herself back in the cab. “I think you’ll have a better chance outrunning them if they are on foot.” She pressed a button on the GPS and it popped out of its place in the dash. She punched a few buttons and handed it to me. “Follow this to this road, I’ll be waiting there to ambush our little friends. Can you do it?”

“Hell to the yeah I can,” I said unbuckling as I hoped my voice sounded more brave and confident than I really felt. Letting Chance take the wheel with her free hand  I climbed in the back holding my breath and tried not to think about what I was doing.  She handed me the little cell-sized GPS and the gun. The car slowed and I understood her meaning. I was going to jump out while the car was going. Surprisingly that scared me more than the gorgons, maybe it was because this was something more real than monsters so ugly you'd turn into a statue.

“Ready?” Chance called back to me.

“Yeah,” I said back putting the safety on the gun. I didn’t want to accidentally shoot myself while I fell out of the car.

“Three,” she said her voice sounding almost strained.

“One!” I shouted before I lost whatever courage or stupidity (whichever you call it) I had left in me. I forced open the door of the slow moving vehicle and pushed off the cab and just for a second I felt like I could fly.

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