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The three headed lizard from hell is currently ripping down a construction crane in its rage and I pulled my eyes away from the messy, twisted wreck as I saw three or four orange spots falling from it. I looked away, stomach twisting and my heart turning into lead. I picked up speed, running as far away as I could from the monster behind me. This was a big city disappearing can't be that hard.

I dove into an alley, my chest heaving my foot burning like I was stepping on a bed of nails barefoot. I looked down to see if I was bleeding, it wasn't my shoe was just being burned off. Holy shit! I ripped off the ruined shoe which I noted had a bit of green goo on it. Instantly my hand burned like I was holding hot coals and I threw the shoe away at a nearby trash can.“OW!” the shrill shout was coming from the trash can. Now,  I’ve been through a lot of freaky stuff in the past year. Such as meeting gods, ladies with a metal leg and a donkey one, and half-horse, half-man prison wardens, three headed lizards, and dogs the size of SUVs. But I know trash cans do not say “ow” when you throw shoes into them!The can crashed against the cement sending out my shoe, a few bags of trash and a ginger cat-wait! That is not a cat! A girl tumbled out of the trash can.  She rounded on me and I (I’m not proud to admit this) I screamed.

Her eyes are fucking purple! Normal people don’t have purple eyes! Anyone with eyes like that will probably be pals with Chiron!  I'm fucked! I am royally fucked.“Who are you?!” the girl yelled getting up and rounding on me while I tried to back away from her and out of the alley before remembering about the lizard.  She brushed off her jeans as she stared me down with those Crayola eyes which I don’t see any point in, those things as ripped and stained with everything known to the world of denim. "Answer me!” she growled grabbing me by the front of my shirt and pressing a sword into my throat.  An honest to gods sword like you'd find in a history museum.

“Xander!” I gasped as the sword pricked my throat, I hoped the smell of my blood wasn't going to stand out in a street full of it by now.

The girl scowled and the wind blews her matted orange hair into her face. (Okay I know the correct term is “red” but it looks orange!)  “Well Xander,” she said with wide eyes as she heard a roar coming from the lizard.

“You think?!” I shouted trying to wriggle out of her grip. “Let me go!”

She snorted, “Please, you’ll be dead before you got three blocks. This is one of Chiron’s trackers. It’s trained to catch people like us.

“What the heck are you talking-?”

“Shut up,” she said gruffly. “I can help you; I know how to kill it.”

“Yeah right,” I gasped trying to shove my way past her, maybe the lizard had stopped again to eat, I could still get- I’m too late. Two of the heads spot me and one long scaly paw slammed into me and I’m back up against the brick wall with nowhere to run.  My skin stinging and burning, blood sticking to my clothes as my nerves throbbed. I glanced over and saw the freaky chick had gotten away somehow, had this been different I'd have shot her an accusing look, but I was more concerned with the three very toothy mouths in front of me.

“I can help you if you help me," the girl said again as a spray of fire painted the air above us. Looks like these things don’t have very good eye sight like the hellhounds.

“I'll help!” I shouted as the head with two mouths lunged at me. I didn't know who or what this chick was, but two against three were better odds. Even a guy who took dummy math like me knew that.   I ducked down and was met with a shower of broken brick raining down on me.

“Get ready,” said the girl who I swore just materialized next to me.

“For what!?” I shouted as the head with two mouths reared back again-ready to strike.

“Ready, now!” She shouted as the head lunged again, all four rows of teeth exposed and ready to kill.  She dove out of the way like a female James Bond and swung her sword down like she was an executioner.  A sickening crunch and gurgling noise and the head pummeled to the ground. “Burn it!” she shouted as the other heads roared in outrage at the loss of their buddy. “Burn it quick!""

“Do what?!” and too late I found out why she shouted the instruction. The stump of the two mouth-head got all slimly, stretchy and-if possible-even more gross looking. A thin, greasy membrane stretched out from the stump and ripped open in an explosion of slimy gunk and two heads-both with two mouths-emerged. Oh shit.

“XANDER YOU IDIOT!” shouted the girl purple eyes blazing with fire. She swung her sword again at the one that breathed fire and it severed with a very gross explosion of blood. The girl dropped back to the ground and grabbed a trashcan lid covered in the burning green stuff and tossed it onto the stump which instantly sizzled like bacon and scarred over, no sign of new heads to be seen. So that’s what she meant when she said “burn it” I was to use their own gross weapon against them!  I grabbed the nearest thing to hold that green stuff-my other shoe, and waited as the girl chopped off another head, she did and that’s when I threw my shoe at it.   It sizzled and popped then crashed to the ground in a gross, slimy heap.  I jumped back as I saw a mixture of blood and the green goo splurge out like lava.  I sighed in relief, at first. Then I nearly screamed-my shoulder was fucking killing me!

I started to shake my hand reaching up to my shoulder to…well I don’t know what. Just a reflex action probably. People do that in movies all the time, hold onto whatever got hurt like it would stop the pain. .A sharp slap across my hand made me draw my hand back, “Ow! What the-?” I began but another pain tearing across my shoulder. I’m pretty sure I screamed.  I didn't know, it was hard to think or hear past the assault of pain. “Will you knock it off you psycho bitch?” I shouted out at the redhead, (technically it was orange but I didn't give a shit about being technical when she seemed intent on torturing me.)

“You’d rather bleed to death?” she asked tightening the string around my shoulder.  I looked down and saw my sleeve soaked in red. Oh gods, oh gods! I started to feel a little dizzy-yeah how manly-and I’m sure I started swaying where I stood.“Don’t even think about passing out on me!” shouted the crazy chick slapping my across my face, my skin stinging where she hit.  “Come on, we have to get out of here!” she grabbed hold of my wrist with a death grip and started dragging me away. Where I’ve got no idea, I’m too shell-shocked to do anything about it. Dimly I’m aware that she shoved me onto a bike and shoved a helmet on my head and shouted, “Hang on,” and with at the roar of a motor we’re off zipping down to somewhere. I think I blacked out a couple of times while being possibly kidnapped by a psychotic redheaded female.

When I came to came back to the earth again we’d pulled into a random garage and the redhead was off the cycle and as I stepped off my knees turned into Jell-O. We’d done it, we’d gotten away….And that was when I really did pass out.

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