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If I thought things were chaotic  when I'd entered blasting down it the door it was nothing like when everyone else found out the god in demigod wasn't lost on us just yet. Water poured out from the walls, fire exploded out of nowhere, weapons were smashed, broken and stolen from the monsters faster than my eyes could follow. I got up from where I sat on the ground as monsters turned into piles of dust and gore and dove back into the fight, opting to do things the good old fashioned way (guns, fists and other weapons mortals used) as opposed to the semi-godly powers I'd gotten two hours ago. I didn't feel a whole bunch of depletion from them like I kept thinking I should, but I didn't want to risk it just now.

Monsters I could waste with guns and luck, I'd been doing it ever since I escaped, but trying to take down gods? I had a feeling I was going to have to go beyond the mortal scope to do it. I still had no idea how we were going to even do it, but as I sent a shot of buckshot into the gut of a half-human half goat creature brandishing a barbed sword stopped worrying about it. I needed to deal with one problem at a time and right now it was destroying these monsters.


I have no idea how long it was like that, fighting a tide of monsters, I sort of fell into a trance after so long. I stopped thinking for the most part and just reacted. If something not mortal came towards me it died. And when the chaos of the fight died down and the only ones left standing where the demigods I'd felt an Earth-shattering pain in my left foot and looked down and realized I was a mess. My jeans had been ripped and burned all to hell,fresh and dried monster blood mixing with my own dried or still oozing blood. My limbs were shaking like I'd downed an entire pack of extra large Pixie Stixs all by myself. My head was throbbing and I tasted blood in my mouth and realized I'd chewed a few holes in my cheek.

My vision doubled as all my injuries and just my own physical tiredness crashed back onto me and I stumbled back, ears ringing and spots dancing into my eyes. Holy shit I was tired...I fell back, falling into a dark place but I still heard bits of everything. Mainly mummers of voices I didn't know, but one I could pick out in Times Square cut into my head like a chainsaw. "Don't even think about it you idiot!"

"Think about what?" I asked but given that I was half awake it sound more like hinkboutwa but Chance got what I was saying and I heard her bark out something at someone though I didn't catch all the words as I fell back towards the black that was sleep and damn I needed to sleep...I felt myself start to fall in that dream-way everyone does at some point and I jolted awake, the aches and pains draining out of my body. I glanced down at my legs and saw underneath the grime my skin knitting back together like I was the Wolverine. "What the Hades?" I grumbled getting back to my feet feeling like I hadn't just broken into a prison, kicked the asses of hundreds of monsters and gotten my own ass beaten up pretty well in the process. "Was I dying? I thought-."

"No,  you weren't dying," said a voice I didn't know and I turned around to see a familiar face. Short, chin length black hair and a scrawny frame.

"Asian Girl," I muttered recalling the farewell look she'd given me when Chiron had told me I was feeding the dogs.

Her thin eyebrows raised, "I now feel better about my name for you," she said with a voice that was surprisingly loud for such a small person.

"What was that?" I asked kind of curious opened and closing my hands surprised that the stiffness I'd had in my fingers five minutes ago was gone.

"Tall White Boy," she replied her cheeks turning a bit red as she laughed. "And no, you didn't die or anything, I just healed your wounds. You should be okay now."

"How'd you-oh forget it," I said before Chance could scold me. "My stupid questions can wait for now we have bigger fish to fry." I looked behind me at the crowd of kids in orange jumpsuits staring at me with wide eyes like I was some sort of legend. Then I realized I sort of was, I'd gotten out of here, made it on the outside and came back in a flash of lightening and stormy winds. To those kids, the ones that endured this Hell and watched me do something like destroying their guards and tormentors...I guess I must've seemed larger than life, same went for Chance.

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