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We stopped at a Super Eight and boy was I grateful. I was beat and a real bed sounded awesome. Running for your lives from two sisters of one of the most well known monsters ever was exhausting. 

Chance grabbed her army-sized backpack stuffed in the gun and knife which I found impressive as I unbuckled my seatbelt and stepped out into the cool evening air. "Let me take that," I offered holding out my hand for it. "Isn't the guy supposed to carry the bags? It would look more normal." I had no idea if that was true, or if Chance would slap me for being so old fashioned but this girl deserved a break from carrying everything, my shoulder was fine now, it was weaker of course from being bound for so long, but I figured I'd better work on getting it back into shape.

She nodded and handed the backpack to me, straps first. "Go up to the stairs if you can, I'll check us in and get the key, we don't want the employees studying us for too long. I think I've hidden our weapons pretty well, but better safe than sorry." I nodded once and   I hefted the thing onto my back and instantly I wondered how the hell Chance could stand upright. What was in this damned thing? My guess was lead from all the pressure it was putting on my spine. I was going to look like Quasimodo after tonight. 

I stumbled along, grunting with pain to the door of the Super Eight while Chance walked calmly by me. When I stumbled over the threshold Chance walked quickly up to the desk. “Do you have any available rooms? Or just a room is fine.” she asked as I panted and drug myself over the threshold, Chance is not carrying this by herself anymore! I decided, she's gonna break her spine!

“We have one room,” she answered handing over a key even as she spoke, eyes darting between us looking very curious. Guess Chance and I were a little worse for wear. I mean I hadn’t showered since we left Alexa’s place. And that had been what? A month ago? Gods I have no idea how long ago it was! Only that it was long enough to leave my face dirty, my hair dirty and long, and not to mention my B.O.On my good days after basketball I smelled like roadkill, I'd been in the same clothes for gods know how long always running for my life ninety-five percent of the time. I probably smelled like a zombie that wore garlic clone. I wrinkled my nose though I couldn't smell anything horribly unpleasant, but then again you usually couldn't smell your own B.O. unless you smelled your laundry.

I wanted to stay by Chance, help her out with the acting normal and not-carrying weapons kind o deal but I did exactly what I was told and started trudging up the stairs to our room as I felt my spine get even more curved as the incredibly heavy backpack pressed against it.  After what seemed like forever I made it to the top of the stairs safely out of site of the desk lady and set the backpack down and was sure it shook the walls on impact. Panting I scanned the hallway for our room; which was what number...? Oh dammit all. I shrugged the lead-lined backpack onto my shoulders and waited rather impatiently for my crazy traveling companion. She took too much time to get there into the hallway; a few minutes at least. I was sure  my spine had suffered permanent damage from standing there with that on my back. I wanted to get out of here, I didn't like being where people could see me, I had to look weird, and I got enough attention from the  gods, I didn't want to tack mortals onto the list too.

“We’re room number two-oh-three,”  Chance said walking past me and leading the way as I trudged down the hall after her counting down until I could drop this sucker on a couch without someone seeing the contents. We walked a little farther and I caught a faint smell of a very strong chemical everyone always recognized. They had a pool and a weird sense of joy filled me up from my head to my toes. I hadn't realized how much I'd missed things like swimming until now.

“Chance let’s go swimming,” I said as she unlocked the room revealing one bed, couch and some closed door that was probably a bathroom. Praise Hesita and Thanatos, the only two gods that weren't complete assholes. I set backpack down on the couch and collapsed on the stiff cushions  back already aching and the promise of a pool was looking even better.

Immortals (Completed and Unedited)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ