Part 13

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Rin's POV

I snickered quietly. We had gotten the bells without Kakashi even Noticing. He reached for them, and when he felt them, (the substitutions actually. Mwa ha ha) his shoulders relaxed. I looked at the small alarm clock sitting on the wooden post. 11:30. Half an hour to lunch.

I threw my kunai against the tree trunk, and cleared my throat loudly. Team 7's communication signal. Within seconds, Sasuke arrived. Although Sakura took a lot longer. "Well, we've got the bells, just stick to what we decided earlier. And I think we should have some fun with sensei until lunch." I said mischievously, dangling the bells in their faces, and stuffing them back in my shuriken pouch.

Sasuke smashed his fist in to his hand. "Oh there is so much I want to do with that dude..." He said, snickering. "Oi! Me first! Plus, I've been wanting to try out my new nunchucks!" I said evily, cracking my knuckles and jumping out into the open.

I heard a voice say, "summoning jutsu! Pakkun, sniff them out." Ah, I see. Kakashi must have finally gotten irritated. Peering through the branches of my hiding spot, a bush, I quickly counted the number of hounds he'd summoned. Ah great. All of them!

Well, it doesn't look like I have much choice... I bit my finger, pulling a scroll out of the holster, swiping my blood across the paper, "summoning jutsu!" I yelled, summoning my animals. You're probably wondering how the hell I had summons. Well, being alone most of the time, I always went to training ground zero, where a lot of animals were. I ended up making friends and signing contracts with a lot of them.

In front of me stood 5 wolves, Soul, Chi, Sumi, Kage, and Nami, and a juvenile sabertoothed tiger, Tora. I grinned at them all, and we had a 30 second reunion. Soul immediately asked, "our orders, Rin-sama?" I grinned evily. "I just need you to keep Kakashi's hounds busy. Try to avoid injuries as much as possible." They all nodded, ad sprinted off.

Kakashi's POV

Where were those little brats? I'd even summoned Pakkun to sniff them out. Suddenly, without warning, a black blur raced out from the forest, followed by blobs of black, grey, white, and orange fur. Looking a little closer, I noticed that it was Rin, followed by 5 wolves and a tiger, running towards my hounds. I narrowly missed a chakra aided finger strike, pulling out two kunai. I saw something metal race towards me, and I instinctively put up my kunai. But to my surprise, what I had intercepted was not a blade, but a pair of black nunchucks, connected by a sturdy silver chain.

I lifted my eyebrows. "You can use nunchucks?" I asked her. She smiled, ever so slightly. "Of course, I use them all the time. These ones are even new!" She said snapping it out, narrowly missing my face. I gritted my teeth. This girl was pretty good. Our fight had had almost made me slam into a tree behind me. Suddenly, instead of aiming at me, her nunchuck slammed in to the tree, producing a loud thumping sound. Immediately, a huge fireball was shot at me from behind. I dodged it easily, but was then ambushed by Sakura.

About 3 minutes later, I finally shook her off, and faced my original opponent, throwing an almost undodgable wave of Kunai at her. To my surprise, she didn't run, but instead her hands glowed blue with chakra, and she started spinning. Deflecting all the kunai. My eyes almost popped out of my face as I looked at this move. "Where did you learn that!?" I asked Rin, flabbergasted. She cooked her head to the side, thinking. "I was watching Hyuuga Neji perform the 8 trigrams palm rotation, and sort of made it up." She said, matter of factly. This girl is interesting. I thought. Very interesting.

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