Part 44

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Rin's POV

Well this clearly wasn't going to go well. Arriving on scene, Sasuke is passed out against a tree, Kakashi and his dog bent over him, and Sakura is being suffocated with sand against a tree. "I give you two choices." Came a loud and evil voice. "You can run away now with your life, or you can fight me and die trying to save the girl." Gaara said, one of his arms a huge limb of sand, and a sand tail popped out of his back. "Geez well those choices sound pretty limited..." I mumbled. "I GUESS I'LL FIGHT YOU? I'M KINDA BORED ANYWAYS." I yelled up at him. He laughed maliciously. "Better hurry before the girl dies." He smirked, sand flowing down. I sighed. "Sakura I owe you one." I muttered, pulling out my dagger. "Kid do you need my chakra." Kurama asked. "Shut up you old fox let me do my own thing." I hissed. I'd made it a personal rule not to tap into Kurama's chakra unless absolutely nessecary in a life or death situation. Paper bomb to the arm did absolutely nothing, but it must have a weak spot.  I tried working as quickly as possible, wrapping paper bombs around kunai with my shaking hands, while jumping tree to tree. The sand flowed downwards, covering both his legs. "RIN YOU NEED TO TAKE SAKURA AND RUN!" Sasuke yelled from his tree position. "YOU ARE IN NO POSITION TO SPEAK DUCKBUTT SHUT UP!" I yelled, chucking a kunai in the general direction of the thing trying to kill me. No effect. I aimed for it's foot, but a wave of sand flew towards me. Stumbling over a tree root, I threw another wired kunai, swinging over the sand wave with the ninja wire. I threw my bomb kunai as my hand slipped, and it hit it on the underside of the tail. BOOM. I grinned. "Bingo." 

"Frickin squirrel!" I yelled, still trying hard not to die. "Snap out of it! You're going to kill your own people!" I screamed. "YOU HAVE ANGERED ME!" He yelled, and sand started enveloping him. "Well this can't be good." I muttered. Any ideas Kurama? I asked. You're on your own kid. He replied, chuckling and resting his head on his arms. "I need something huge." I muttered to myself. I made a couple hand signs, and yelled, "SUMMONING JUTSU!" Smashing my hand on the ground. There was a poof of smoke, and a small orange frog stood in front of me. "Really not what I was going for." I said. "HA! You tried to summon my dad but you're not good enough." The orange frog, gamakichi said, snickering. I rolled my eyes. "Here's the plan, stay behind me unless you want to die." I grunted, jumping as a sand limb completely crushed the ground I was standing on. "Waah!" Gamakichi screamed as sand started to envelop him. I grabbed the foot that was sticking out of the sand, and focused. There was a lurch and I tumbled on the sandy ground on the other side of the clearing. Gaara roared in anger. GIVE ME YOUR CHAKRA YOU STUPID FOX. I yelled internally. Finally, took you long enough. Stubbornness will kill you some day I swear. Kurama grumbled, rolling his eyes. 

By now, the sand had completely enveloped him, and he was a giant squirrel, at least twice as tall as the tallest tree. "One more time... SUMMONING JUTSU!" I yelled, smashing my palm into the sand again. This time, there was a humongous cloud of smoke, and I was staring levelly at the giant tanuki, standing on a giant red toad's head. "Thank god." I sighed, falling onto my knees as the world spun in circles. "Hmm, kid you bothered me during lunch! You think you're worthy to summon ME to help YOU?" Gamabunta roared. "I'M BEING KILLED BY A GIANT TANUKI SIR WITH ALL DUE RESPECT AND I KIND OF SAVED YOUR TINY ORANGE SON FROM DYING SO IF YOU WOULD PLEASE SPARE ME LIKE 10 MINUTES OF YOUR TIME TO ACT RATIONALLY AND MAYBE PREVENT THE DESTRUCTION OF THE VILLAGE?!" I yelled, a vein popping out of my head. "Yeah uh dad, she kinda saved me." Gamakichi said, hopping up beside me. Gamabunta's attention was completely on the squirrel now. "YOU DARE HURT MY SON AND INSULT THE TOADS? PREPARE TO DIE!" He yelled, flinging himself at it. "Kid I need something with teeth and claws." He growled. "Transformation jutsu!" I yelled, thinking of the first tooth and clawed animal that came into my head. There was a boom and a huge cloud of smoke, and a ginormous orange fox emerged, snarling, throwing itself at the squirrel thingy. 

"REALLY KID? YOU CHOOSE THE FOX? REALLY!?" Toad guy yelled at me. "WELL DO YOU WANT A BUNNY?" I screamed back. He growled, wrestling with the Shukaku. "THIS ISN'T WORKING AS WELL AS I THOUGHT IT WOULD." He yelled. "GO BACK HOME." I yelled, and they both disappeared into a poof of smoke. I landed on the sand squirrel's head, and went to go punch the redheaded guy in the face, who was asleep and partially sticking out of the squirrel's head. Sand wrapped around my wrist, squeezing it, cracking the bone that had just healed from the sound village incident. "Oh for god's sake!" I groaned, smacking my head onto his. Warm liquid ran down my face, and the sand slowly dissipated. The sand killing Sakura melted away too. Gaara flipped backwards, landing on the highest branch of a tree. I landed beside Sakura, making sure she was still alive. With an enraged roar, he jumped at me. I pushed off the tree, grabbing him and we tackled each other, crashing through branches of trees. I managed to deal a good palm strike to his back, and he went flying downwards, crashing onto the ground, defeated.

"No. NO. STAY AWAY!" He yelled, crawling away. "Relax firehead, I won't harm you. He looked at me in shock as I sat down next to him, cross legged. I felt like passing out, but I managed to stay conscious for the time being. "Look, I... I get how you feel." I said. "What?" He asked, looking less scared. "You're lonely right? People shun you because you have a monster locked away inside of you right? I'm the same." I said. "You... the 9 tailed fox." He said. "Yup. The whole village hates me I'm sure." I said, gesturing to Akaito, who was curled up in a sleeping ball of orange fluff. "I suppose your way of becoming super strong is one solution, but y'know, I don't live for revenge on other people." I said. "There is nothing else I live for." He said bitterly. "My parents are dead." He said, hand clenching into a fist. "So are mine... and there's 7 other people out there, just like us. But I've got my friends, and my team. There aren't many people who don't hate me, but they matter the most. Even that emo duckbutt Sasuke who chidoried you 3 times." I said, laughing hoarsely. "Kankuro... Temari..." He said. "Thank you. Uzumaki Rin." He said, as his brother and sister rushed into the clearing. "Gaara! Are you alright?" They asked. "Kankuro, Temari, I'm sorry." He said, as they helped him up. Kankuro gave me a look. "Did you break him?" He hissed. Temari smacked him, smiling discreetly at me. 

"Oi." I turned around, seeing Sasuke, with Sakura partially being carried by him. His eyes were a storm of anger, jealousy, and admiration. "Ah. You guys go on ahead. I need a moment." I said, leaning against the tree as the sky spun in circles. "Don't get yourself killed dobe." Sasuke said, turning to leave. "You too teme." I responded, plopping down on the ground. I brought two fingers to my mouth, letting out an ear splitting whistle. Aerius flew into the clearing, landing in front of me. "Yes master?" He asked. "You think you can fly me back to the leaf village?" I asked. "Why not use the flying raijin?" He asked. "I'm pretty chakra depleted." I said. "Master I'll hurt you." He said, probably noticing that his claws would dig into my shoulders. "Just grab the arm guard." I said, lifting my arm up for him to dig his claws in. Aerius somehow grew really really fast, and now his wingspan was about 3 quarters of my height. With ease, he lifted me off the ground, me dangling from his claws. He dropped me off close to the giant crowd, and I ran in, disregarding my bleeding head. What I saw made my heart sink to my stomach.

(I apologize greatly for not updating in like... half a year...yeahhhh sorry lol. I'm a leel bit occupied I guess I should say, and my asian parents are all like YOU MUST GET A 95 AVERAGE sooo yeapp sorry lol. I'll see y'all next chapter when I muster the energy to write it :3

~Author chan)

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