Part 43

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I completely ignored the rest of the exams pretty much, except briefly noticing that Sasuke and sensei hadn't shown their faces and the Sasuke vs Gaara match was going to be pushed to the end. The Temari vs Kiba match was rather boring, with Temari relentlessly plowing through poor Kiba. The match was mostly one sided, so I didn't pay attention and went back to discussing important (ha no do you know him) matters with Kurama. "So kid I think we should try like hinting people that you're good with me." Kurama snickered. I raised an unimpressed eyebrow. "Like what, and since when are we good?" I asked jokingly. "I suggest you get a fox mask and I was going to give you a new pet." He snickered. "But what about Aerius." I countered. "You don't usually have your bird with you anyways. Don't you let him do whatever he wants? I meant like one that stays by your side. Like a companion." He said, waving a claw and a cute fluffy fox popped up next to me. "AWWWWW" I squealed. Yeah I still have my inner girl. "It'll disappear when you use my chakra though, because it's a manifestation of my chakra. But you should really go get a mask." He said. "Now?" I asked. "Sure, just send a clone." He said. I huffed. "Alright alright, but in exchange you let me call you Onii-chan." I said, grinning evilly with the knowledge that he hated that nickname. He paused, glaring at me for a full minute and grumbled. "You strike a hard deal for a kid." He muttered. I grinned. "Thanks, talk to you lateerrrrrr!" I said, smiling sweetly. When I zoned back into reality, I sent off a clone with instructions and high fived it, telling her to take her time. And sure enough, there was a cute orange ball of fluff sleeping at my feet. "Hmm, what should I name you?" I pondered out loud. "How about Akaito? Yup I'm going with that." I said giggling. I literally just used the first name off the top of my head. Well, he was reddish, so I guess it made sense... whatever screw it. Akaito looked at me and blinked. "Since you have no objections we're going with that." I said proudly.

The Sasuke vs Gaara fight was going rather predictably, with Sasuke kicking ass like always, and Gaara with his sand thingy, as usual. It was then that my clone came back with a mask in hand. It was orange, with black lines and swirls, with black rimmed eye holes. "Oooh, pretty." I said, thanking myself and dispelling the clone. I shoved the mask into my shuriken pouch, deciding not to wear it right away. Suddenly, people starting dropping like flies one by one. A wave of blackness swamped my vision, but two seconds later, I was back. I had been standing beside Sakura, and she broke whatever genjutsu that had been cast. "Thanks." I replied awkwardly, shaking off the fogginess in my head. "What happened?" Sakura wondered out loud, looking at the arena full of knocked out people. "The Kazekage and Lord Hokage!" I shot a glance over to the box thingy that the Kage sat in, and found them gone, and a lot of screaming at the roof. "If I could make a very wild guess here I'd say they're fighting." I said, using the most sarcastically edged tone I could muster at the moment. Like 6 people immediately stared at me. I shrugged. "Lighten the mood, geez." I mumbled. Yeah. Maybe not the best time. "So can someone explain the ACTUAL situation to me." Sakura asked, brushing short strands of pink hair out of her face. "So apparently suna ninjas are against us now and we're all going to die because orochimaru has been posing as the kazekage and they've broken down our protective walls with snakes and such." I said. "Rin watch out!" Sakura yelled very loudly, but a quick shadow possession by Shikamaru and a punch from Sakura sent the suna ninja flying. I flashed a quick smile. "Thanks. So what's the plan?" I asked. "Uhh..." Sasuke trailed off. There was a loud explosion coming from the forest, and I caught sight of a huge squirrel tearing up trees. "Let's go help lord hokage." Shikamaru said. "I'll check for enemies." I said, waiting for them to leave before sprinting into the forest.

"Ok kid heres the deal. Shikaku, the one tail, isnt even communicating with me. The kid's raging too much so you need to kill the kid. Or at least knock him out." Kurama barked in ny head. "Aishh I got it, no need to yell." I mumbled, hopping onto a tree for a better view. Gaara was buried into the sand squirrel's forehead. Must be a new fashion statement. "HEY!" I yelled, not thinking about the consequences. "Oh my god why." Kurama internally muttered, smacking his face on the floor of the cage. "Whaaaale den." I muttered as the squirrel started chasing after me. I pulled out a paper bomb and stuck it to the tree trunk, jumping and detonating it just as the ginormous sandy paw smashed into where I was a second ago. "KID BE CAREFUL DONT GET US KILLED WHAT THE HELL!" Kurama yelled inside my head. "Yeah man you're being real helpful." I hissed back. The paper bomb did virtually no damage, the sand simply flowing back into the slightly deformed paw. "GAARA WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" I yelled, jumping from tree to tree to prevent being killed. No answer. His intent to kill was so strong, it was beginning to scare me. I tried to breathe, calming myself. "Wind style, windy spears jutsu!" Apparently even giant spears made of wind didn't do too much. "Kid this is gonna be a long battle." Kurama grunted in my head, sitting up in his cage.

(Author's note: lmao sorry guys i havent updated in like... literally forever. I've got less time to do this so bear with me plzzzz ily guys. Gonna squeeze in some writing before exams too lol. Ugh exams. Mainly the reason why I've been gone recently, and stuff, yeah... So I'll try and get this thing back to up and going with more or less consistent updates. But thanks for bearing with me guys it means alot. ;)
Your un afk now author-chan,

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