A Sappy Letter

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"Make way for the Royal family of the Luna Kingdom!" Yelled a few of the citizens of the Sol Kingdom. Four long days had gone to arrive at their destination. Everyone was extremely happy to meet the future queen of the Sol Kingdom. Chrysanthemums, sunflowers, yellow roses, and many other flowers filled the streets on both sides. Music filled the streets with lively chords and allegro pieces. Children ran alongside the carriages, wanting to get a glimpse of Yoongi. Which brings us to him.

Yoongi despised arriving. He didn't like having all the attention. It made him nervous and only added onto his social anxiety. The good thing was that he was being kept hidden until the day of the wedding.

I can hold out that much.

The bad thing was that he wouldn't see Hoseok until the day of the wedding. Just great he had thought when his parents told him.

The carriage abruptly stopped. "We've made it to the castle my son," whispered Yoongi's mother. The carriage once again began to move. "Yoongi, you'll be okay. Taehyung and I will accompany you everywhere," whispered Namjoon as he noticed that Yoongi was breaking into a light sweat. Taehyung took off his mask and gave Yoongi one of his signature boxy smiles as he gave him a thumbs up. The carriage stopped once again signifying their arrival inside the palace grounds. "Alright. Namjoon and I will stay by your side but you'll be kept hidden," Taehyung said as he stepped out of the carriage. There were guards holding a small carriage like structure in which Yoongi would sit in. They would literally carry him into the throne room. "O-okay," Yoongi stuttered out as the nerves of meeting his future parents in law dawned on him. He stepped into it and felt the guards begin to move. He was so not ready for this.


"I wish I could see my future mate," Hoseok muttered as he twiddled a sunflower in between his fingers. Jin stopped scolding a cook who had accidentally burned a pan and turned to see Hoseok who appeared down. It hurt Jin to see him like that. Hoseok was the literal embodiment of the Sun! "Oh I know you do, but it's custom when an arranged marriage is put into place that the mates see each other until the wedding day. Especially when it's the royal family you're dealing with," Jin replied as he began to mix the batter for a cake that was reserved for the party later tonight. "I know, I know. Who even came up with that stupid custom!" exclaimed Hoseok before he was whacked with a spatula by Jin. "Everything has a reason Jung Hoseok," stated Jin as he went back to creating his cake, this time pouring in the batter to separate pans for the different tiers he'd be assembling. Hoseok rubbed the back of his head and gazed out at the palace courtyard, noticing the carriages holding the Lunar symbol. "He's here!!" exclaimed Hoseok as he shot out of his seat in happiness to hug Jin.


"Oh, one last thing!" Queen Jung exclaimed as she opened up what seemed to be a letter and raised it in front of her. "Dear Min Yoongi of the Luna Kingdom, my future mate." The crowd cooed at the final end of the sentence while Yoongi grimaced. "I know we wont be able to see each other until our wedding day, but I just cant wait to see you! I've heard of your astounding beauty and wish that your character may be just as beautiful as you are." Yoongi chuckled at that. He wondered whether throwing slippers fell into that category. "I hope your trip was safe and comfortable. If you ever need anything, then let the maids know. Your wish is their command. Your future mate, Jung Hoseok of the Sol Kingdom." The crowd erupted into cheers, whistles, and claps. "Oh how sweet of my baby Hobi!" cried out the Queen as she erupted into soft sobs, attempting to smile. "What a sap this Hoseok is," whispered Yoongi to Namjoon who only chuckled as he looked down and shook his head. After a couple of words were exchanged between the Kings and Queens, the people of the Luna Kingdom departed off to their temporary residence.

It was decided that Yoongi would be kept in the eastern wing, as to avoid him meeting Hoseok who would be in the eastern wing. Namjoon and Taehyung were to sleep next to him in some of the vacant rooms. The next 3 days would be filled with preparations for the wedding. Yoongi would have to practice every single thing he'd have to do, from the way he walked, where he went, and most important of all, the traditional dance of the Sol Kingdom. "Oh my Luna, I have to do so much in so little time," Yoongi muttered as he threw himself on the bed. In a while he would have to get ready for the celebration of the arrival of the "future queen" as the citizens put it. He knew he would be the spotlight of the party and that made him all the more nervous. A knock on his bedroom door woke him from his thoughts. "Yoongi? I have the robes you'll be wearing tonight,"his mother said. He could hear shuffling on the other side and he quickly went to open the door.


"The maid told me the kitchen was over in this direction," Taehyung said as he walked down one of the many hallways of the palace. Taehyung had been extremely hungry ever since he arrived to the palace and was searching for some food. He could have asked one of the maids to fetch him some but he didnt trust them. It was probably the assassin in him that made him so weary of the people of the Sol Kingdom. "You can't trust anybody Taehyung,"he said, turning his words into a mantra as he looked down at the floor, examining the intricate design of the carpet. "Cant trust anybody huh?"  a voice said. Taehyung turned around and saw a muscular looking guy leaning on the side of the wall, smirk plastered on his face. He hadn't noticed a guy standing there!! "It's a bit strange to be referring to yourself in third person,"the guy said as he stood straight and walked towards Taehyung. "The names Jeon Jungkook, personal bodyguard of Prince Hoseok and son to the Sol Kingdom's army commander in chief. How may I help you, umm TaeTae was it?" the guy said as he bowed slightly to the assassin. Taehyung could tell this hot guy was an alpha. The confidence radiated out of him.

Scrunching his nose, Taehyung geared his attention towards the mistake the alpha made. "My name is Taehyung and I'm trying to find the kitchen. Ya see, the journey here was long and tiring and I'm very much famished," Taehyung stated as Jungkook stood up straight. "Ah, I was actually headed there right now. Follow me TaeTae," he said as he walked ahead of Taehyung.

Taehyung decided right there that he did not like Jungkook for mistaking his name.


I swear I thought I had published this Sunday. Sorry for the late update :(

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