Titled part - Start

18 3 6

The first day of their training was nothing but introductions in different department. They were divided according to their strengths  and weaknesses.

It's like a formal school and no one even dared to joke around the schedule after they experienced their encounter with Platoon Z.

They came to a rest at their room and everyone lied down, exhausted and drained.

"Excercising" Hoseok groaned and flip himself on his bed.  The others understood what he meant with one word. They hated the 4 hour exercise routine in their schedule.

A knock on the door woke their senses. They learned to apply tje formal salutation for other soldiers.

'Don't  look.  Salute. Stand straight. Don't  bring your hands down without permission.'

Ha Rim, who were unseen the whole training day,  entered and salute as a response.

"It's  okay. It's  me" Her words made them drop their bodies back to their beds. She chuckled at how synchronized they were.

"It's hard,  right? " Ha Rim smiled with sympathy. She have seen the same faces back when she was training as well.

They hum in response. Too tired to talk.

"These are herbals from our house. You can use it to lessen any pain" she started taking out labeled packets of herbs from her backpack.

"And these-" she stopped talking when she heard Namjoon snoring. Ha Rim looked around and everyone have fallen asleep.

She took out everything from her bag and left out a note saying,

"I apologize for not being there. For some reason,  I can't train with you. But I'll do everything I can in the background.  I'll support you in anything you need. Hang in there, comrades"

After writing,  she stood up and turned off the lights. Before she can walk out, Jungkook's tired voice cut through the silence; calling out her name

Ha Rim followed his voice through the room. After three steps,  she felt warm hand on her wrist.

"Why? Is there anything you need? " she ask.

"I just want to say" Jungkook hesitated before continuing his sentence.  "I'm sorry" a heavy sigh got out of his chest as the words fell out.

Even though it's dark,  Ha Rim can see him crying. It didn't  hide anything at all. In fact,  she felt how hard it must be for Jungkook to see things like that.

She found her place in his bed and sat down beside him. Ha Rim catch his hand on her wrist  and squeeze it. As they sit side by side, she thought hard for words that will comfort him.  But she never had a chance to be sensitive with other people, other than her father.

So instead of saying things she doesn't mean,  Ha Rim came up with words that will comfort a comrade.

"That's why you're here." She pat his back to console his heart.

"After training and learning,  you will know how to protect  your brothers. That way,  the same thing won't happen --" her words stopped as Jungkook leaned his head on her shoulder.

"I will be the strongest " he promised and even though  his voice was hoarse and rough from fatigue, Ha Rim felt his determination and sincerity.

She nod as words have disappeared from her head. I'll help you. Ha Rim stayed there for awhile when Jungkook fell asleep on her shoulder.

Their first night in North Korea, ended like that.


A blaring sound of a siren, disturb their sleep. Hoseokwas the first one to open his eyes and the reality hit him. He shrieked while running around the room and slap everyone's body in desperation to wake them up.

"Hoseok, what the hell" Yoongi groan and sit lonely on his bed.

"Just dress up.  Hurry!! " Hoseok response and gear up for the morning. Everyone followed but slower than they should.

Pants,  shirt and boots. A hat and a quick look in the mirror. The morning routine was done.

"Room 1, salute" the stern voice of their trainer echoed as he went inside their room.

'Don't  look.  Salute. Stand straight. Don't  bring your hands down without permission.'

Hyun,  their trainer,  insect them. His eyes were fixed on details; posture, clothes and hair.

"Rest" he commanded and the boys brought down their hands. "This is your first day so I'm going to let go of your mistakes. "

The boys relaxed but maintained their position. "In this training,  you'll be taught about discipline in all the things you do. We're not forcing you to be a soldier.  We want you to be a better and stronger version of yourself,  physically and mentally speaking" Hyun folded his hands behind his back and continued.

"This mission will only be possible if you willingly accept the challenge." Hyun smiled.

"We accept it,  Sir" Taehyung answered for the group and Hyun was happy to hear it.

"Go outside after 10 minutes. Be sure that you're clean and ready for twice the exercise you had yesterday" Hyun left them with a lighter heart.

They keep on meeting good people. More matured and caring than they've  thought before.

They realized that North Koreans are just like them in so many ways. And as the day went through,  their prejudism with them were washed away.


To the readers,

You might have noticed how my writing have changed. I felt ashamed on how I used to write
for my past works and this time,  I want to take this seriously.

I mean,  someone is reading my work so I should be more sincere in writing.

So thank you for reading this and for the next chapters, I promise that I'll be better.  My stories will be greater than before.

With this, I want to announce that I'll be updating my work every Tuesday and Wednesdays every week.

No more to this lousy writing.  Again,  thank you and I do hope to deliver happiness  through my works! (⌒o⌒)

Long haired Jin is in the house
~\(≧▽≦)/~ ~\(≧▽≦)/~

Happy New Year!!

Love lots,


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