Mr Kingston's Roommate|45

Start from the beginning

"Hmmm, no,  your–hakkunah tattas are comfy, I almost fell asleep."

"Blake!" I squealed, suddenly growing self-conscious. So much for not being nervous around him. He chuckled deeply and drew his head back, "Okay, maybe I'm not. Can I trade pillows?" I shook my head vigorously and pinched his nose, "no."

"Please. . ."

"I said no."

"Fine, they're not that soft anyways," he grumbled as he shoved me onto the bed. I sat upright, gawking up at the amused expression on his face. Before I could reply he pivoted on his heels and disappeared down the hallway leading to the bathroom. 


Blake suggested that I wore a sundress so I opted for my cream-coloured sunflower imprinted dress that stopped just above my knees. Along with that, I decided to wear my white sandals and a blue jeans jacket. I wasn't sure where we were headed but it definitely was not a restaurant. 

Blake left a few minutes ago to get the car, he claimed he wanted me to have the full date experience and pick me up like an ordinary teen couple, whatever that means. Even though I told him that makes no sense, we practically live in the same place so we could leave together, his exact words were and I quote, "I don't see a twenty-year-old standing in front of me so that makes you a child, Brat." 

He texted me a few minutes ago that he was out waiting by the car and that I should come down. 

This is ridiculous but sweet.

When I was done dressing, I retrieved my phone from the nightstand and my handbag. I made it out of the room and down to the student's lounge in no time. It was currently minutes to six but seeing as it was summer, the sun won't go down until ten am which gives us ample time for our date. 

I made it towards the parking lot and stopped dead in my tracks at the familiar mop of brown hair hovering beside a black truck I'm pretty sure wasn't his unless he bought a new vehicle without telling me. He wore a pair of ripped black jeans, a white turtle neck sweater, a cream-coloured cardigan thrown over along with white sneakers. 

As I trekked towards him I couldn't stop gawking. At the sight of me, he pushed himself off the truck. We remained silent, assessing one another intently until he broke the silence, "you look beautiful." He said without giving me a moment to respond before his hand wrapped around my wrist and he tugged me into his arms. 

I hugged him tightly, burying my face into his chest, "thank you," my voice was muffled by the thickness of his sweater. Though, I could tell he heard me by the soft chuckle that parted through his lips. He placed his hands onto my shoulders and drew me back. He unlocked the passenger door and pulled the door open before motioning towards it. 

"Get in," I obliged and slipped into the truck. He slammed the door shut behind me and sauntered towards the driver's side. I leaned against the window, trying to conceal the giddy smile that crawled onto my lips. Seriously, could I be any luckier? 


"Come on," he grunted as his arms slipped around my waist. He hoisted me up and reluctantly my legs lifted upwards as I hiked it onto the platform I could feel beneath my feet. "When can I open my eyes?" I whined as I waved my hands in front of me aimlessly. I could feel Blake's presence beside me and yet still he hadn't answered. 

Instead, he tugged me down and with a squeal, I toppled into what I assumed was his lap. His arms came around my waist comfortably before his mouth laid to rest beside my ear, "open your eyes now." I flickered them open quickly, expecting to see us sitting in what I assumed was a park but it wasn't.

It was a drive-in theatre. I've never been to one but I remember telling Blake that I really wanted to experience it. I couldn't help but blush deeply as I averted my eyes from the big screen and towards Blake. Beneath him sat a white bed sheet, surrounded by two of our pillows, a blue cooler which most likely held our drinks and snacks. 

The giddy smile on Blake's face did nothing to ease the butterflies swarming my stomach. I couldn't believe he did all this for me. Getting back together with Blake was the best decision I've ever made and no one could tell me otherwise. At this moment I wasn't scared who could recognize us, all I cared about was being in the arms of the person I loved, enjoying a movie. 

"What do you think?" He inquired, a hopeful look etched on his face. I captured his cheek in my hand and peppered his face with kisses. His laughter bubbled around me until I pulled away to face him, "I think it's amazing." I responded with a smile in which he returned. "Good, I was scared you wouldn't like it."  

I slipped off his lap and decided to unbuckle my sandals. I wanted to get comfortable, enjoy this as much as possible. "Why would you think that, Blake?" I asked incredulously. He followed in suit with me and slipped off his sneakers as a sheepish smile crawled onto his lips, "I thought you'd maybe want something more romantic." 

Hesitantly, I placed my palm onto his cheek and tilted his head towards me. His oceanic blue eyes interlocked with mine and our noses touched softly as I brought my face closer to his. Caressing his cheek softly, I took in the scent of his Versace cologne and what I could tell was my vanilla shampoo, if tonight wasn't our date night I'd scold him for using my shampoo. 

"This is perfect, Blake. I love it." His eyes searched mine as if looking for even more validation than my reassurance itself. And then he closed the gap between us and brought his lips down onto mine. We kissed softly, and much like anytime we did I could feel the assault of butterflies swarming my stomach as if it were our first kiss all over again. 

If this is what it feels like to be truly in love then I don't think this is how I've ever felt with Reese. Sure, what we had was great once upon a time but the foundation on which it was built was toxic. It's like planting a flower in a garden exposed to radiation, it won't grow nor flourish. 

But with Blake. . .this was magical. Our love didn't feel like a single flower in a garden, it felt like a meadow of roses and sunflowers and I didn't want it to come to an end. At this point, nothing can come between us, not our past nor our present. What we can do is look forward to building our future.

 What we can do is look forward to building our future

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