TWO: Sobbing and Heartbroken

Start from the beginning

"I-I dont know" I couldn't think of what to say. I didn't want to upset anyone, or cause drama or even break up a couple... but I know how I feel and Caleb Storm is my mate.

"I think... well I think that he is my..." I was cut off abruptly by Alpha Bradley's voice.

"Enough!" he seemed agitated and he stalked back into the room. His fists were clenched so hard that his knuckles were white.

"Sophia, my son wishes to speak with you before anything else is said"  he gave me a sympathetic look and reached out for me to take his hand "please follow me" he added as I took hold of his hand and he guided me to a waiting Caleb.

"He has so many emotions going through his head at the moment, please be patient with him" it felt as if Alpha Bradley was apologising.

It only intensified my nerves as he opened the door to an office, Caleb's Office, it smelt of him.

I gulped audibly as the door closed behind me.

Caleb was sat in his seat behind a large oak desk.

His head was in his hands as he rubbed his temples slowly.

I could see how his muscled tensed each time I took a step closer to him.

His hair, clothes and skin were still damp from the time he had spent in the rain before our meeting.

I wonder if he loves rain just as much as I do.

I stood awkwardly behind one of the guest chairs, not sure if it was appropriate for me to sit down.

"Who are you?" his voice was strained, as if he had been screaming for hours.

"Sophia Grace White, of the Raymond pack" I replied softly.

He clenched his fist tightly as I spoke. Was I angering him?

"What have you done to me?" he spat out with rage as he finally looked up to meet my gaze.

He looked furious and my heart broke as I realised that he was angry with me.

"W-what do you mean? I don't know what you're talking about" I was practically whispering, I felt drained, tired, as if I hadn't slept in weeks, my heart burned and I could feel hot tears threatening to fall.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about!" He stood up quickly and it made me back away.

The anger that was radiating off him was almost to intense to handle.

"I'm s-sorry but I dont know w-what you're talking about" a tear slipped from my eye and slid down my cheek.

This isn't how it's suppose to be.

It was meant to be a happy and magical moment between the two of us.

Sadness that consumed me as I realised that the moment I have been dreaming about for years was ruined. It was all a lie. Soul mates didn't exist for us all.  Mine was already mated, why would I be cursed with such a cruel fate.

I was so consumed in my own thoughts that I hadn't realised I was crying until a loud sob echoed throughout the room.

I slapped a hand over my mouth and fell to my knees as the sadness consumed me entirely.

Caleb abruptly looked up and rushed over to me.

He knelt in front of me, pain and confusion clear on his face.

He went to reach out to me but stopped himself when he grazed my skin. With sparks travelling up my arm, I shuddered at his soft touch.

He pulled his hand away so quickly, it was as if I had burned him.

I locked eyes with him as the sparks warmed my entire body.

I was practically begging him to hold me with just my stare.

I was aching for him, I was breaking and I needed him to put me back together.

"You feel it too don't you?" I asked desperately "you know we are mates right?" I probably looked and sounded pathetic.

"I-I don't know what is happening!" he practically whimpered as he stared deeply into my eyes.

"I just... my wolf seems to think that we are but... you must be, I've never felt something so intense..." he trailed off as he began to reach out to me again.

His hand soflty cradled my cheek as he wiped away tears that had fallen.

My entire body relaxed as I melted into his touch.

I slowly reach out to pull myself closer to him.

"Babe! Your dad is saying the most crazy thing!"

As if a spell had just been broken, Caleb turned stoic and flinched away from me so quickly I felt cold air pass over me as he ran to the door.

"Its not true right? Please tell me you don't feel anything for her" the girl that wore Caleb's mark peered down at me with pure hatred as Caleb cradled her in his arms in a loving embrace.

He paused for a slight second until he turned his attention back to me.

He looked me dead in the eyes as he pulled her into a passionate kiss. Never once taking his eyes off me.

"I don't feel anything for her"

That was the last thing he said before they left me alone in his office.

Sobbing and heartbroken.

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