Chapter 15

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I woke up with a searing pain shooting up my ankle.


The pain and sleep blinding my eyes, it took a while to adjust to the sunlit room.

"What...?," I was just so... confused.

"What did I tell you about sleeping on your side?"

I blinked through the pain and it dawned on me.

"I- I didn't realize- I must have slept-," I said, my lips going dry wondering what part of mine crossed over and needs cutting off.

I stood up and winced instantly.

I sprained my ankle as I fell off the bed.

Jimin smirked. "Well I guess your foot paid for it so we don't have to cut your beautiful hair."

What surprised wasn't the fact he had said beautiful or that he settled for the sprain... what I couldn't understand was how my hair could have reached his side when I probably fell asleep sitting.

Jimin must have caught my confused look because suddenly cleared his throat.

"Well you were drooling and hanging dangerously close to my face... so I helped you lie on your side of the bed."

"Oh," I said, suddenly speechless. I didn't even know what to feel, how was I to know what to say?

His look turned cold, though. "The next your hair crosses the line, I'm going to shave it all off," he said, raising his eyebrow meaningfully.

....and there's the Jimin I knew.

I nodded and limped my way to the bathroom.

Well, he's no longer sick. Wait, he is sick. He just isn't ill anymore.

I sighed as I looked at my ankle. The blue was slowly showing. In a matter of hours the swelling would come too.

Caught in a lie: Park Jimin x readerWhere stories live. Discover now