Chapter 13

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"But Jimin, I really need to use the bathroom," I protested for the 15th time now.

"I. Said. Don't. Leave. My. Side," he said through gritted teeth and clasped my wrist tighter.

You know he has an awful lot of strength for a guy who's sick.... and even with that, he is acting like a goddamn baby.

"I c-can't hold it in anymore!," I broke out of his grasp and dashed for the bathroom, fully aware he didn't have the strength to run after me.

As I relieved myself, I didn't quite feel relieved. Washing my hands, I knew the moment I went out of the bathroom, Jimin's wrath would know no bounds.

It was weird how even when he was sick like a lost puppy, he still managed to scare the living bejesus outta me.

What I didn't understand was why he was being this clingy. It didn't fit his aura or his image.

Was it simply because he was bipolar?

When I walked back towards the bed, I saw Jimin lying with his arm covering his eyes.

Taking that as a sign of his having fallen asleep, I picked my purse and ran out as fast as I could.

I sighed deeply as I walked out into the dipping sunlight.

I was supposed to be getting some time off from Jimin... what have I gotten myself into?

He was supposed to be sick and in arms of Eunsoo.

Eunsoo, that bitch. It's all her fault. She bailed on us and now her crybaby is in my freaking lap and I don't even breastfeed! Wait, what-?

Why can't he let me go out when he clearly doesn't want to see my face? Instead he forced me to sit next to him all day and tend to his needs like his personal maid.

And then it clicked.

That's what I am to him - a personal maid.

Shaking my head at not figuring this out sooner, I walked towards the pharmacy and bought medicines for flu, cough and fever. Just in case.

As I made my way back towards the reception, the woman at the desk smiled, "Ah, Mrs. Park! I didn't see you or Mr. Park out the entire day. I hope you're enjoying yourselves."

If I had four more eyes, I would have rolled them as well.

But instead, I pulled the shopping bag up to show her medicines and left for the room.

On my way, I said my prayers and hoped Jimin was still asleep.

Slowly, I tiptoed into the now dark room.

Not wanting to wake him up, squinted my eyes to adjust to the dark and made my way towards the bed.

Putting the medicines on the table, I slowly creeped into the bed so when Jimin woke up, he would think I was there the whole time.

"GAAAAH!," I screamed when his hand grabbed mine.

"," his whisper was full of anger... and hurt.

My heart drumming in my chest, I flicked the side lamp on only to see Jimin flinch and cover his eyes.

That's when I realized his hand was warm - too warm.

Gulping, I leaned close to him and put a hand on his forehead.

I was right - he had fever.

Caught in a lie: Park Jimin x readerWhere stories live. Discover now