He shoved himself to his feet, turning towards the door. "Get some sleep John," she advised.

"Yeah-" he said knowing that wasn't what going to happen.

Weir narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "What's going on?" She asked.

John hesitated. Weir, as always, saw straight to the heart of the matter. One of her greatest strengths as a leader was her intuition, there was no point fighting it. "There's something with Zian..." he said running a hand over the back of his neck.

Weir arched her brows. "Something I need to worry about?"

Johns scratched at the back of his neck boyishly. "Not tonight."

Weir narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously but finally nodded. She knew Sheppard well enough to know when he had something on his mind, but it was late and he would come to her when he was ready. Whatever was going on with Kai couldn't be urgent enough for them to stay up any later.

Weir nodded. "Tomorrow then," she agreed.

John stopped by the locker room on his way down to the science labs. He hung up his vest and put his gear away. He ran a hand through his hair. It was already sticking up in strange places and he needed a shower, but first he had to deal with Zian.

He wasn't sure where she would go to work in the middle of the night, but without a better idea he headed down to Zelenka's lab. The doors hissed open. He was a little surprised to find Kai still working. He glanced down at his watch. It was nearly two in the morning.

Kai was sitting at one of the consoles. Her laptop open in front of her. The rhythmic clicking of the keyboard was almost soothing. None of the overhead lights were on, only the glow of the various work stations offered enough light to illuminate her face, the rest was cast in shadows.

Kai had removed the flak vest and jacket, they and the weapons belt he had given her were sitting just inside the door, well out of her reach. The black knife was sheathed in it's spine sheath was also part of the pile. She was down to just the black pants and tight black long sleeved t-shirt. Both of which made it impossible to hide anything. Even her scarf was only draped over the back of her neck and hung loose. She had gone to a lot of effort to make it clear she was unarmed and harmless.

"What do we have?" John asked, stepping past the pile and into the room. He was surprised to find he wasn't mad any more. He was just tired. He wanted to get this sorted out one way or another.

Kai turned her head towards him but hadn't taken her eyes off the screen yet. John had been around McKay working on a project enough to know that he might as well just wait her out. He moved over to the work station and dropped down onto the stool Zelenka normally occupied.

The last weeks he and Kai had grown comfortable around one another. He wouldn't have said they were friends, he didn't think she had any of those and now he knew why, but he had thought they understood one another. Now he realized all of that had been a lie. It bothered him more than it should. The two of them sat in uncomfortable, awkward silence as Kai finished typing.

Finally she lifted her grey eyes to meet his gaze. She looked wary and he thought she had good instincts. "A lot of the information is still encrypted," she said scrolling through what she had. "Zelenka was down here earlier and started a program to decrypt the rest, but it will take most of the night. What we have found is that there are 21 Wraith Hive ships in this quadrant of the galaxy alone."

"Twenty-one?" he asked in surprise. The hives were huge, each containing thousands of Wraith. They would be hard pressed to find the fire power to destroy one Hive ship let alone twenty-plus.

Trust Once Broken | SGA John SheppardWhere stories live. Discover now