"You know that doesn't wash out," I murmured, voice void of any humour.

His concerned acid-green eyes searched my face for the source if my discontent.

I forced a smile. "It's okay, bud. It's not me you should be worried for."

I knew that Stoick had sent terror mails to the Beserkers, Defenders of the Wing and Outcasts to warn them of the hypnosis. But being aware would not be enough; little by little, one man at a time, the entire Archipelago could be at Ryker's control. My lips thinned. I couldn't let that happen. But there was no way we could attack without any more information.


A large, round man approached, snapping me out of my thoughts. He wore rusty chainmail and had an unruly red beard. With every step towards me there was a clanking sound of metal weapons.

Forcing a smile, I responded, "Hello. I do not think we have met before. Who are y-"

"Just call me Red, my dear boy. All meh friends do!" He smiled, revealing large, yellow teeth.

Politely grinning back, I wondered whether I should leave Red. I had intended to walk to the prison to try and get more information out of the guards.

"It's horrible, aye lad?" Red continued, not noticing or choosing to ignore my lack of enthusiasm. "All these vanishings a-going on."

I nodded. "I couldn't agree more. No-one can trust each other at this point."

Stepping closer, he rested his arm on the handle if his axe. "I can't stand it. Ruining me business. People won't accept what I tell 'em."

"Yeah, I know what you mean."

"But y'know, I can't really get over the fact that they disappeared."

"The Dragon Hunters, you mean?"

Taking a step closer, Red modded. "You would think with an ever increasing army, sailing in secret would be impossible."

"Well, he's also using submarines and advanced sea vessels-"

Red cut me off, "Aye, but we did know where he was before." His tone darkened and Toothless swished his tail, wary.

He took a step closer and I took one back.

"We coulda got 'im," he growled, hand tightening on his axe, "but no."

"Not for the lack of trying," I rushed, looking for a way out without causing a panic.

In one fluid movement, Red unsheathed his axe and lunged. Leaping to the side, I grabbed Inferno and whistled to Toothless.

"Stop this now!"

Citizens nearby gasped.

"We coulda stopped him!" Red cried, thrusting towards me. I rolled, aimed to cut his axe and missed. "But now look! Meh own daughter is now at the hands of that monster," he spat, "just for sailing over!"

Children screamed and ran to their parents. Families hurried away, whilst stronger men approached.

"And that's not all! Look 'ere!" Red aimed for my arm. I countered, sweat dripping down my face.

Toothless snarled, firing. He leapt back, swung his axe and spat at the floor.

"You coulda stopped this!"

My eyes widened as others ran to help. Toothless roared again, a warning, but Red took no notice.

"It's your fault they have 'er!" he screeched, misery drowning out the threat of his cry.

The Girl with the Changewing Cloak (RTTE Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now