13. Life ethics and Religion.

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Ethics is about making the right choices for ourselves and the society we live in. With so many challenges facing us and the planet, what can we be doing better?. Ethical living should be the foundation stone of humanity and every religion.

Today, as globalization brings us closer together, and our lives are affected almost instantly by things that people say and do on the other side of the world, we also feel the need to live as a global community with common ethics related to understanding, mutual respect and the sharing of universal values.

Live with L I F E: Loyalty, Integrity, Fairness and Empathy

Loyalty is one of the most important trait to live with in all spheres of life .Aiming at Integrity will make us responsible to consistently be honest , truthful and trustworthy in our behavior .Fairness is a value that shows that we want not just to do good ,but to make sure that that good is distributed justly. We need Empathy to understand the impact of our actions and those of others when our ethical judgment differs from theirs.

Ethical life is simply living a life where even though you are capable of doing something bad and not get caught you still avoid doing it.

The easiest way of living an ethical life is "try and make your actions in a way that you would like to be treated if you were in the receivers' position"

E.g.: I'm selling a product lying or either hiding the truth, think if you were in the position of the customer and if someone does the same to you would you accept it.


Religion is a fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a group of people. These set of beliefs concern the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, and involve devotional and ritual observances. They also often contain a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.

If you study whatever the religion that you are in you will find out that the ways of worshipping and beliefs may be different to one another but the good qualities remain the same, every religion says the same set of good qualities to follow. What we humans do is look at the differences between each religion and fight over it or compare and see what the best is. People forget the true meaning of their own religion. Promote your religion by your good qualities towards others it would bring a difference to the world and definitely would make whoever the god you believe happy and proud about a follower like you. Always train yourself to look at the similarities of religions rather than the difference.

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