10. Ways to Become a Better Person

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· Commit yourself to growth (Be Growth-oriented). The more you grow, the better you become.

· Work on your negative traits. Are there any traits that you dislike about yourself? Include being self-centered, arrogance, selfishness, critical, harshness, hardness, etc. Identify them, and then work on them one by one. It can be challenging to try to overhaul your character at once. On the other hand, if you work on addressing one negative trait at a time, it's a lot more manageable and achievable.

· Identify your ideal self. What's your ideal self like? Picture him/her in your mind, then write down all your ideal traits. Then, start living true to your ideal self.

· Find a role model. Having a role model gives us a concrete image of who we want to become. role models in people like Ellen DeGeneres (for her genuineness and compassion toward others), Oprah (for being a power mover in the world of self-help), among others. Who is/are your role model(s), and what do you like about them?

· Be a role model. The best way to be a better person is to be a role model to others. How can you be an inspirational guide to others? Live by example. In being a role model, remember it's not about making yourself into someone you're not. It's about living true to your ideal self.

· Be a better child to your parents. You only have two parents in your life, so appreciate the time you have with them. If your relationship with your parents is non-ideal, it doesn't mean that everything ends here.

· Be a better friend to your friends. We get disappointed when friends don't always be there for us when we need them, then I realized that I should think about how I can be a better friend to my friends first before making such expectations of others. Likewise for you, think: How can you be a better friend to your friends?

· Be Able. Equip yourself with skills. Your skills are like the tools in your toolbox. The more skills you have, the more able you become.

· Learn something new. There are always new things to learn, no matter how much you already know. The more you learn, the better you become.

· Hone your current skills. With your current skills, strengthen them. You can never be too good at a skill — there's always room to improve. Even the best people in their fields, such as Tiger Woods (Golf), Michael Jordan (Basketball), Beethoven (Pianist) never stopped honing their craft.

· Be Accepting of differences — be it of people, mindsets, lifestyles, or cultures. For they add variety and color into our lives.

· Be Adaptable / Flexible / Versatile. Have your goals and plans, but be able to change them accordingly when the situation calls for it. Rigidity is a sign of weakness, while adaptability makes you so much more powerful.

· Be Adventurous.

Step out of your comfort zone. Are you sticking to the same routines and hiding behind a safety net? Step out and do something you've never done before. It'll broaden your mind and make you a better person.

· Always have the best intentions for others. Go for the highest good in everything you do, every decision you make, every path you take, and every thought you have.

· Be Assertive. Stand up for your rights and the things you believe in.

· Be Attentive. When someone is talking, give him/her your full attention. Don't busy yourself with something else; that's just rude and inconsiderate.

· Be Bold. Life is an adventure. Don't live it in fear. Boldly pursue your dreams. Boldly act on your instincts. Boldly create the life you've always wanted.

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