1. What is Human Life?

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After a 9 months growth inside mother's womb a child is born to the world. And the first thing a child would do is cry. Then the child will start to learn, understand and decide.

Example: a child will learn a word then he will try to understand the meaning or where and when to use it next he will decide whether to use it or not in that situation.

Throughout the whole life span of human he will learn understand and decide. This might be something small like discovering how to brush your teeth or discovering big like an aero plane.

In the past seeking knowledge was a little complicated procedure. You were to sacrifice a lot in order to gain knowledge but thanks to the books & internet we are able to seek any knowledge we wish today.

"Knowledge is the power".it is indeed the power of humanity it gives more information which can be used at the time of decision making.

Knowledge is not only school subjects there are things to learn even in the life story of your parents there are things to learn from the smallest creations like bees and ants, you can seek knowledge in religious scriptures as well as criminal stories. There is knowledge in everything and everywhere to a person who wishes to seek knowledge.

Seek knowledge and use it in the correct way without misusing it and always leave some knowledge you know for others to find.

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