Chapter Sixteen

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When they got home, everyone had to worry about getting Tae inside. The brunette was still unconscious but starting to wake up. Jin went to open up the door while Namjoon and Jungkook hoisted the brunette up, by his arms. Taehyung started to stir as they carried him. When he opened his eyes he looked dazed and relaxed.

"Jungkookie..." Tae said unsteadily. Jungkook's face turned red as Tae continued to stare at the younger boy's face. He then wrapped his arm around Jungkook and pinched his cheek. "Y-yer cutie." He said, still clearly intoxicated. A shaky giggle followed.

"Damn, that must have been some strong liquor they put in there, damn," Namjoon said shifting his grip. Yoongi rolled his eyes while he and Jimin walked behind them.

"That is why you should never drink out of a communal punch bowl." Yoongi weighed in tiredly. Jimin was suddenly glad that Yoongi had stopped him before he drank it.

"Tae, can you please help us get you inside?" Jungkook pleaded. "You're heavy." Tae continued to stare at Jungkook, but almost as if past him.

"Ur s-strong kookie..." Tae mumbled and taped the younger's lip. They finally made it into jin's house and put him on an armchair. When Jungkook started to walk away, Tae started reaching out. "N-no no. Kookie stay...wifff me." Everyone watched Jungkook as he slowly sat next to the intoxicated Taehyung. The drunk brunette wrapped his arms around the younger causing him to blush in embarrassment. "Yew lewk like a bunny." Namjoon, Jimin, and Hoseok started chuckling but Jin was quick to scold them, as this was not a laughing matter. Jin went into the kitchen to make some soup for the boy that was sure to have a killer hangover the next day. Namjoon, on Jin's request, went into the other room and gathered blankets and pillows for the youngers.

"Looks like Jungkook and Tae have the chair..." Namjoon started as he threw a couple of pillows and a blanket at the two brunettes. "There seems to be enough room for two on the couch and someone will be on the floor." Namjoon threw the remaining pillows and blankets in a pile in front of Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jimin.

"Hyung and I call the couch," Jimin yelled as he snatched a pillow and plopped himself onto the couch. Yoongi smiled to himself as he grabbed a pillow for himself and a blanket for the two of them to share. A matrice was laid out for Hoseok, that apparently was just "lying around." Yoongi sat his pillow behind him as he propped himself up against the couch. Once he got comfortable, he noticed a pink haired boy quietly scooch closer to him. Yoongi didn't call the younger out on it but did smile to himself.

"Did you drink at the party?" Yoongi asked the blonde and pink haired boy who was setting up the matrice to sleep on.

"Dude, I've had a buzz going on, all night. Just enough to take the edge off but not enough to make me act like Tae." He gestured towards the drunk brunette who was still clinging to the younger but slowly started to drift off to sleep. Jungkook, though nervous at first, looked comfortable now in Tae's arms. He was leaned against the older and looked like he was struggling to keep his eyes open. It was, after all, passed five in the morning. Thirty minutes passed as Hoseok and Yoongi talked about some stories relating to the people at the party. Within minutes of them starting to talk, quiet snores were heard from Tae and Jungkook. The both of them looked exhausted but cute as they were cuddled up with one another. Jimin had since the conversation started, leaned his head against Yoongi's shoulder. The elder only noticed the younger had fallen asleep when Hoseok pointed it out. The blonde and pink haired male smiled as he gestured towards the sleeping boy next to him. Gently, Yoongi turned his body towards the younger and moved him onto his chest so the younger was more comfortable. Yoongi leaned back even further into a comfortable sleeping position, taking an exhausted Jimin with him.

"Awe," Hoseok said as he watched the older's action.

"I just don't want his neck to be all sore tomorrow," Yoongi whispered towards Hoseok.

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