"It's nothing, Jade." He sighed frustratedly scrubbing his face with his free hand.

"It's something, Jaxon, and I want to know what."

"I said leave it alone, Jade!" He sprung up from the leather cushion beside me dropping my hand to shove his into his hair. "Damn, why can't you just...leave it alone." Despite his obvious defeat I growled at him rising from my seat. His eyes nearly fell out of his head, his breathing turned labored, and his body trembled slightly. With his eyes still locked on me, he got down on one knee. "I—I apologize."

Somehow those two words were enough to appease my wolf. I honestly didn't mean to intimidate him that way but it happened that way because my mating with Dominic has caused a fusion between me and my wolf-like Doctor Hemming said. Instead of just hearing her in my head I feel like she is me. I don't have the choice of giving her the control anymore, she just takes it. I personally didn't want to do that to my brother, yet the superior Alpha female in me felt like he was disobeying her and she took it upon herself to let him know that it won't be tolerated.

Regaining my composure I extended my hand to Jaxon helping him off the floor. He still looked somewhat daunted and took my hand with reluctance. "It's never a good thing when I have you of all people looking at me like I'm a monster." I looked down at my feet absently rubbing the back of my hand as he released it.

"No no, I just...I heard everything Doc said but it didn't really hit me until just now. My wolf was literally cowering inside me because you growled. That was too cool!" His previous expression diminished into one of awe and a small smile worked its way onto his lips.

"I'm glad you think so, but can you please tell me what had you in here looking like you were ready to cry?" His face fell and he turned away from me, pacing the space in front of the coffee table. Whatever is it can't be that bad can it? He came to a halt in front of me motioning for me to sit as he did the same taking the spot beside me. That is never a good sign either.

"This stays between me and you." It was more of a demand than a question and it took everything in me to keep my wolf from growling at that. After a quick nod from me, he sighed, "I found my mate, but I can't be with her."

"What?! Why?" I jumped up and he pulled me back down.

"Because," he yell whispered, "she's with someone else and refuses to leave him. Something about she's been with him for years and regardless of our bond she loves him."

"But she's YOUR mate how could she not want to be with you?" Calling me angry is an understatement. I know all too well the pain that comes with not being wanted by the person that was made to love you. I wouldn't wish that on my worse enemy and definitely hate that my twin is experiencing it.

Once again a sigh of defeat breezed through his lips. "I don't know but she made herself clear that she isn't planning to let him go anytime soon." All over again Jaxon's pain is evident. I hate it and wish I had some kind of power to take it away.

I wrapped my arm around him resting my free hand on his thigh, "Don't worry. I'll take care of it. After this meeting, Dad set up for us to choose guards we'll go to her and set things right."

For the second time in less than ten minutes, Jaxon shot up and rubbed his temples stressfully, "No, Jade! I didn't tell you that so you could go to her and order her to be with me! That's why I told you to leave it alone! I don't want her to be forced to be with me! I want to be loved naturally as we should be!"

I didn't have a chance to respond before he stormed out of there and the back door slammed signaling just how upset he is. It takes a lot of convincing to keep my wolf under control. We know the hurt he's living through right now and that's the only reason why she didn't come out on him as soon as he raised his voice.

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