Epilogue Part Two

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Epilogue Part Two:

November 14th, 2021

"Get this baby out of me!" I screamed in a masculine, deeper voice.

"Baby, it's out." Zayn held my hand, trying to calm me down. "Just breathe, I'm here for you." He left in the middle of his concert yesterday screaming, 'the baby's coming' and apologized to the crowd before rushing me to the hospital. It was their last concert of the year and I hope I didn't ruin any of the fans' One Direction experiences by stealing my husband for the birth of my son. "You did it, babe. I'm so proud of you. Sixteen hours." he smiled, gently kissing my knuckles.

"Thank you, baby. I'm still so sore." I groaned. The pain wasn't as bad as everyone said it would be, but it was still pretty rough. Sweat covered my forehead and skin in a thin coat and closed my eyes to help the pain go away. "Please sing to me."

"Okay." He rubbed shapes into my hand. "Truly, madly, deeply, I have foolishly completely fallen. And somehow you caved all my walls in. So baby, say you'll always keep me. Truly, madly, crazy deeply in love with you. In love with you." He sang one of my favorite One Direction songs of all time, making me relax. I loved when he sang that to me.

"I love you." I ran my fingers through his dark hair before clutching my stomach and grunting. "Oh my--" I stopped myself from blurting any swear words. "Sing to me again, babe?"

Suddenly, one of the nurses entered the hospital room with a blanket held safely in her hands. I was still trying to control my pain by breathing in and out when my nurse placed the baby in my arms. I pulled down the blanket, revealing his beautiful face, and felt my heart swell up. I began tearing up. The beautiful light brown eyes and adorable, chubby face brought an immediate grin to my face. "Oh my goodness." I cooed, holding the small baby boy delicately. I pressed my lips against his soft skin and started to cry, as well as my baby. All that pain that I was feeling just seconds ago seemed to go away when this little guy was put into my arms. "Baby...he has your eyes. I love you so much." I whispered to the baby.

I lifted him after sitting with him for such a long time. Zayn took him in his arms and instantly grinned. "He has your little freckles." he kissed his forehead. "Hey there, little guy. It's so nice to finally see you in person." I saw tears in his eyes as well. "Your mother and I, we promise to love you with all of our hearts. We promise that were going to care for you well and to help you whenever you need it. We'll never abandon you. I love you, son." Like I said a while ago, it's so attractive when boys are great with kids. Especially when it's their own. Zayn gave me our son back and said, "You have a wonderful woman as your mother. You don't need to worry about a thing."

"What are we naming him, Z?" I questioned after staring at him for the longest time. We had plenty of options that we discussed since I found out that I was pregnant nine months ago: Anthony, Toby, Jason, and Max were our top four.

"You name him." he replied, placing a light kiss on my head.

I stared at his features and grinned broadly. "Toby Anthony Malik. He's definitely a Toby." I rubbed my hand gently over his smooth, small head. "We're parents, Zayn." I let out a small giggle, taking his hand.

The nurse held Zayn's phone in his hands as we posed for a picture. Zayn sat down on the edge of my hospital bed and Toby laid in my arms. The two of us smiled. Later on that day, there was a knock on the door. About ten people entered my room with balloons and cards and they grinned when they saw Toby in my arms. "Wait, Zayn, can I just do something that I've always wanted to do with my baby?" I asked quietly.

"Go right ahead, babe."

I looked at all ten of them, my parents, Brooke, Harry, Liam, Niall, Louis, Tyler, and my in-law parents, and lifted Toby into the air. "Presenting...Toby Anthony Malik!" I shouted. I cleared my throat and giggled a little bit. "Ah! Sah-ben yah!" I pretended that I knew the words to the Lion King introduction as they all began laughing.

"Aw, he has your eyes, Zayn." my mom said, smiling at the baby. "Wow...I'm a grandmother. I can't believe it."

Zayn and I truthfully didn't want anyone else to hold little Toby because he was our's and we were still stingy about him. Anything could have happened at any second, so we made sure to hold him tight.

* * * * *

I entered the house with Zayn's help around my waist as I carried Toby in his carrier. "And this is your new home, baby." I said, giving him a small tour. Our house was in California by the beach and we had a beautiful view from our house. I didn't like it too big because it made me nervous so we just had an upper class home that was secluded from others with a high gate surrounding it. "Do you want to see your room?"

Toby gave the two of us a grin. Zayn carried him up the stairs and towards his nursery that we painted blue. We already had a bunch of things planned for our baby because we wanted him to grow up with a nice family but we weren't going to spoil him. We wanted him to be humble and sweet. "I hope you like the color blue, Toby, because this is the room you're growing up in." Zayn stated.

"Look at all these things." I looked around. People gave us sweet gifts at my baby shower a few weeks back and I was so grateful for all the help. All those gifts plus what Zayn bought for the baby was enough to last for a while. "You're going to have a blast in here, dude."

Zayn placed him into his crib and took a picture. We were not missing a single moment in this baby's childhood; both of us put all of our pictures onto our laptop and everything so we would have space on our phones. "I love you both so much. I love, love, love you sweetie and you Toby."

"You say this to us every twenty minutes." I laughed, leaning over the crib to press my lips against his.

"I just don't want a moment to go by where you think I don't love you. I love you with all my heart, Hol. No matter how cliche it is, I love you forever and always. Okay? Don't forget it." he laced our fingers together. "Look down at what's in front of you." he demanded and I saw Toby. "This is the living proof of our love. We waited until we were married, making everything more special, and now we have a child at the right time and place. A beautiful one. I stuck with you the entire way and I couldn't imagine having a child with any other person. You're my one and only."

"You're so sweet," I grinned, "I could never imagine to love someone as much as I love you."

And then Toby cried. I reached down for him but Zayn stopped me. "No, I got this one babe. And the next few ones as well. You go to our room and take a long nap and rest. You deserve it. You did carry around my son in your belly for nine months, and an extra painful week." he leaned down and pecked me on the lips. "I'll probably join you later."

"I have the best husband ever.." I stated, letting go of his hands.

"You know it." he winked at me.

I went across the hall and laid down in our large bed, sighing deeply. On my side of the bed, I saw my favorite picture of Zayn and I; it was the one of the two of us at the This Is Us premiere in August of 2013. It was him kissing my cheek gently and lingeringly for the cameras but I still got butterflies in my stomach. Beside that picture was the first picture we took as an actual family. I turned on my side and looked at his side of the bed. His favorite picture of us was out proposal picture in Paris under the Eiffel Tower in 2019 on Valentine's Day. I was close to crying and he was on one knee. In my drawer, I had a copy of his wedding vows, what he said when he asked me to marry him, and all of the adorable cards and sweet notes he leaves around the house. Downstairs, there was a huge beautiful candid of the two of us on our wedding day.

Reading those, I managed to fall asleep quickly.

When I woke up, I felt movement beside me. I turned to see Zayn laying flat on his back on the bed and on his chest laid Toby laying on his stomach. I smiled at the beautiful sight and cuddled up to Zayn. I leaned up and kissed Zayn on his cheek. He opened his eyes very slightly and looked down at me. He puckered his lips at me and I kissed them softly. Together, we fell asleep.

+ + +

The end.

I really hope that everyone enjoyed Broken & Scarred. Thank you to every person that voted/commented!! I love you all! I ended this story with 12,000 reads so let's see where it goes from here. THANK YOU SO MUCH

ps stay tuned for more stories :)

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