Chapter Five

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The water looked so irresistible, as if it were asking me to hop on in. I didn't want to risk any injuries or anything, though. "Hey." I heard someone say before plopping down on my blanket right next to me. I turned my head to see Zayn.

"Oh, hi." I replied, playing with the sand in front of me, "You having fun?" I asked him, referring to the look on his face. He looked a little upset and bored at the same time.

"Everyone's just in the water and then I saw you. Are you about to get in, too?" I bet he was thinking about Perrie, the girl who broke up with him. I didn't mention her name or anything, but I doubted the reason why he was upset was because everyone was in the water when he didn't want to get in.

I shook my head, "Nah, I can't swim." I stated, shaking the golden sand from my hands. All of the others were in, splashing each other, having fun and what not and they were in pretty far. I wish I could swim, but I never really got around to learning.

"Oh really?" He turned to me, "Neither can I. We could still go near the water, like just walk and talk where it's shallow." Zayn explained and I nodded. I was thinking about doing that earlier but that seemed like the loner thing to do since I was by myself. I stood up and wiped the sand from my thighs and legs before we began strolling in the water. It was a nice, refreshing feeling having the water just touching my feet.

"So how are you liking the tour? It must be nice knowing that you have so many people loving and supporting you." I said, not really knowing what to talk about. I was just trying to be nice, bringing up something that must make him happy to get his mind off of Perrie. From what I've seen, he's a great guy and she let go of him.

He stated, "It's fantastic. At the same time, you wish you had more privacy but I still like being on tour. What about you? How are you liking your stay with One Direction so far?" Zayn questioned, looking down at me.

I shrugged, "I like it here. You guys are really nice, but I really wasn't expecting the attention from your fans. The followers on Twitter shocked me the most. I don't even know how many I have now but in the one day that I've had Twitter, I gained a lot of followers."

Zayn and I just talked and talked about literally nothing for the longest time. We didn't even notice that we walked right out of the private beach that we were on. I noticed a couple of girls but I appreciated them not coming over, interrupting our little chat. I didn't think Zayn realized that we walked a distance at this point. He was explaining how the band was put together around three years ago. "Yeah, so I didn't want to do the dance because I thought I was terrible at it. Simon had to go find me and--"

I felt water shove my body towards the ground. Zayn was right beside me, underneath the water. I touched the sand underneath me and I tried to stand but I fell down again because of the impact of the water. I felt a hand grip my own and I was pulled up to my feet once again. My sunglasses that were resting on my head were now covering my eyes from the impact of the water and I was drenched. I choked up some water and he pat me on the back, to help me. "Are you okay?" Zayn asked, wiping salt water out of his pretty eyes. Little specks of sand were caught in his long eyelashes. I couldn't help but begin cracking up, using Zayn's arm as support so I didn't fall over again. I turned around to see the same two girls that were watching us laughing.

I held a finger up at Zayn, signaling for him to wait a second. I approached the girls who were giggling at their phone and they calmed down once I walked over. "Hi, Hollister." The blonde one tried to hold in her laughter. I squeezed out my hair and giggled.

"Please tell me one of you got a video, or something because that was hilarious." I broke into a fit of laughter as one showed me a Vine of Zayn and I falling and the other had a full video.

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