Chapter Four

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I held the chilly ice pack to the bruise on the front of my head as I stared at the computer on my lap. Forty-three point seven thousand followers in the span of one night. These boys really had the power to make someone known over night like this. They were tweeting me non-stop but I hardly even tweeted anything yet, just a simple hello and a retweet from Harry. It wasn't like I had some exciting, wild adventure life. I was just sitting here in this little booth thing in One Direction's tour bus with these loose boxer shorts and a tee shirt.

'@AmyStyles122: i don't get why @HollyMiller is getting all this attention? She didn't even do anything.'

I agree with this completely so I clicked on the quote button and said 'I don't get it either'. People began asking more questions than before. I thought that I was hinting to them that I didn't need all the attention I was getting. I felt someone sit down across from me in the tiny booth. I looked up to see Louis with messy hair and a tee shirt. "Hello." I smiled at him.

He was drinking a cup of tea and he smiled back at me, "Hey. In the mood to talk?" He questioned. "Zayn is sleeping and the others are playing video games." Louis shrugged, bringing the mug to his lips. Zayn seemed to sleep a lot.

"Okay," I closed the lap top, "what do you want to talk about?" Hopefully he didn't want to talk about my past. When people used to ask me those kind of questions during the school year, I would sort of start stuttering a little bit and I would act weird. I wasn't exactly an actress.

He thought for a minute before saying, "I don't know. I'm just really bored and don't really know what to do. So I figured, why not get to know our lovely guest more?" I grinned. "So Holly, you don't care if we call you that, right?" I shook my head no, "Okay, so Holly, if you don't mind me asking...why were you in an alley sleeping when we found you?" I licked my lips, thinking of an answer. I assumed this question would pop up eventually, but not this soon. I figured I would have time to prepare for this lie.

This is what I meant. Here I was, acting like a total idiot because I didn't have the answer to his question. I did, but I didn't want to tell anyone. I was really ashamed of my past and I didn't want the whole sympathy act from everyone. I wasn't ready to let everyone know too. I knew that if I told them that I was abused, people would always be telling me that they're sorry, even though they had nothing to do with my previous life. I wanted to completely forget about it. "I was in the alley because I--"

The bus abruptly stopped, making Louis drop his mug on the table, spilling it every where. I jumped out of the way before it hit me or the computer. "Oh, gosh. I'm so sorry." He picked up the cup and walked over to clean up the mess. I hurried and got paper towels before wiping it all up. "Thanks, Holly." He threw away the paper towels and we sat back down. "As you were saying."

Darn it. I thought he'd forget by now, like what happens in the books. " know, uh, it's kind of a sensitive topic. So lets not touch it." I stuttered out and he nodded, understandingly. Now that definitely gave it away. He was probably thinking that I got abused by a boyfriend or parent. If he put the pieces together, then he would easily solve the puzzle and I gave him the biggest clue, saying it was a sensitive subject. I'm an idiot.

"Okay." He replied.

Oh. No questions were asked and I think I'm fine. I heard girls screaming and I looked out the window to see a bunch of females yelling and freaking out. They could probably see Louis right beside me, so that was most likely why they were shrieking. "Look! It's Hollister!" One girl pointed at me and I laughed.

Louis joined me and said, "Looks like they love you already." I bet he wouldn't say that after looking at my Twitter notifications.

We were at a hotel and I could see the beach from where I was sitting. It was an amazing view and from where I was, I was sure it would be prettier in person. The tour bus stopped right by the door and Louis and I stood up. "To prevent getting mobbed, I suggest sticking with one of the boys and just follow them inside." He explained to me and I nodded. The first person I found was Liam.

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