Chapter Thirty

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excuse any of my typos and mistakes :)


"You feeling better?" Zayn asked me. I nodded, pushing some hair behind my ear. Ever since I had that talk with Perrie two days ago, I had been very distant from Zayn, no matter how much I wanted to talk to him. I didn't want her to do anything that could ruin my friendship with the boys. I ended up being really worried about that after she said it because I literally had no one but the boys and Lou and a couple of other friends. I knew she could manage to pull it off, though; she had known them a couple years longer than I had so it'd be easy to have them on her side rather than mine. "You're done being sick?"

"I don't feel icky anymore, so I think so." I shrugged. I was reading Beastly by Alex Flinn. I was sitting inside the tour bus that I literally hadn't left for four days.

"That's good. I'll talk to you later." he awkwardly left me in peace. He clearly noticed my behavior and I really wanted to apologize for my actions. I didn't though.

The tour bus stopped and that meant that we were going to our hotel. After a billion years, I finally was able to get some fresh air. I was wearing a pair of olive green high waisted shorts, a white shirt, and my hair was in a bun. I slapped my book shut and took my bag to go inside.

Harry opened the door and I was so startled that I screamed myself. A bunch of fans were yelling and screaming on the top of their lungs. "Let's go." Harry laughed. I stepped down the stairs and entered the sea of teenage girls. Body guards helped me make my way into the building.

"Australia is crazy!" Niall shouted as he entered.

I nodded in agreement. As I was walking towards Lou to ask her a question, my foot got caught on a rug. We all saw what was coming after that happened. I went head first into the floor. I heard a lot of 'ooh's in a shocked way after my head thumped the floor and people crowded around me. "Ouch." I rubbed my head. I'm better off being carried everywhere I go because I'm clumsy as heck. "I'm good, I'm good." I said.

My hand was grabbed and I was pulled off the floor and onto my feet. My head hurts a little bit but I should be good. "You okay?" Zayn asked me, his hand still in mine. "That looked like it really hurt." He steadied me since I was swaying a little bit.

"It did really hurt." I chuckled. "I'm fine though, thank you." I took my hands back nicely and shoved them both in my front pockets. The fans were laughing outside, I could feel it, but whatever. It didn't m matter. I just pushed my hair back and began walking again with a light smile on my face, holding back my laughter.

Louis grinned, probably trying not to laugh at what just happened. He could laugh if he wanted to, like, I was even laughing. "Why are you so clumsy? And then when you fall, you just get right back up like nothing even happened." he chortled.

"You can basically say I'm indestructible." I continued walking. I didn't even remember what I was about to say to Lou. "This skull is made of steel." I knocked on my head and walked into the elevator while they laughed.

Liam looked at me when we were in the elevator. "Do you ever get embarrassed because of this sort of thing? This isn't the first time you've fallen in front of a large amount of people." he told me.

"At this point, no." I shook my head. "I'm used to it." My room was being shared with Lou. She took the main bed and I took the pull out bed in the living room. I placed my things down on the floor and laid down. Lou handed me ice to put on my head. "Thank you." I placed it gently on the small bump.

"Seriously, though." I looked at her. "How do you take all this pain? Since you've been here, you've hurt yourself quite a few times." she giggled.

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