Chapter Twenty Eight

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This whole chapter will entirely be about Holly and Harry's time together btw because apparently my chapters are "too short" cough cough @British_love cough cough. so this'll prolly be a long chapter and all over the place lol. I swear this is the most random chapter of this story that I've ever written omg I hope you have fun reading this hahaha


"I'm not even that afraid of heights!" I shouted as we strolled out of the airport, not even caring about the paparazzi behind us. They were taking millions of photos but it didn't matter; we weren't even doing anything photo-worthy. They were all just obsessed over the fact that Harry and I are spending the week together. Dating rumors would be everywhere but neither of us even cared about those any more, they made me laugh.

"How come you held my hand then, hm? You seemed pretty nervous to me." Harry questioned with a smirk.

"Only during takeoff and the landing! That freaks me out, okay!" I laughed. "Next question." Harry complained that he and I didn't know enough about each other so like fifteen minutes into the ride, we started asking each other random questions and that's what we've been doing since. "It's your turn to ask."

"Okay. You have twenty four hours to live, what do you do?" he asked me.

I thought for a moment before saying, "I'd go back to Houston and see my mom and dad." Harry furrowed his eyebrows and looked down at me. "I just need a few things answered. Then I'd go find my biological dad, if there was enough time. Ask him a few questions too."

We got inside a cab and I asked the next question. "Your house is on fire, you can only grab five things. What are they?"

Harry sighed and leaned back in his seat. "Do you mean like people too, like my mom?" he asked.

"No, just objects."

"Oh, okay. phone, my scrapbook, my laptop, my boots - they're my favorite," he really thought about that last one. "And the very first One Direction award that we've won together. What about you?"

That was tough since I didn't really have anything that was sentimental. "Am I allowed to take my entire suitcase of books and count that as one?"

"I guess." Harry nodded.

"Great. Okay, I'll take that, Benjamin, my converse, my diary, and my phone." I told him. "Would you rather be in a band like you are now but have a small amount of fans, or would you rather be the most popular singer in the world but without the rest of the boys?"

"The first one, no doubt! Nothing beats performing with them. If could only talk to one boy out of One Direction - like not talk to any of the others ever again - which of us would you choose?" I glared at him. How was I supposed to choose out of them? They were all the most wonderful people I've ever met! "Aha! I got you stumped this time!"

Harry was a great pick. He was really funny in a totally unfunny way and he listened to me, even when I was annoying. But then there was Liam, who was the nicest person ever and very helpful when it comes to anything, no matter what. Then again, there was Louis. Always loud, forever making me smile and laugh. He was also a good advice giver. And Niall, who never failed to cheer me up with that amazing laugh of his. He was also fun to play with, there was never a dull moment with him. There was also Zayn who can put me in the greatest mood but also the worst. He had the biggest affect on me. "I think...I think it would be you. This does not mean that you're my favorite, though! You just listen to me and you make me laugh all the time and I'm comfortable around you. All we'd do is talk about the others though." I told him. Zayn and I argued too much for it to be him, which was what I was originally going to say. Our friendship is a little too rocky sometimes.

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