Chapter Thirty Three

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{Holly's POV}

On top of all the nonsense that had been going on, I lost my iPhone. The only thing that was keeping me occupied recently. All I had been doing was texting Taylor, watching old movies on Netflix, and tweeting the nice people who tweeted me with questions. I still had the laptop that Zayn gave to me earlier, which I was still very much thankful for, but I couldn't do everything on that since I didn't have WiFi everywhere I went.

I sighed, opening my next book. We left our hotel three days ago and I was nervous that I left it there. After my day with Taylor, I lost it in the morning before we left.

In my bed, also known as the couch since I gave my bed up to the little witch, flipped the pages of Looking for Alaska, which was another popular John Green book. Alaska was courageous and daring, something I wished I was. I already read all of my books that I brought with me so I began rereading for entertainment.

Suddenly, the door burst open and Niall entered. He hadn't really been speaking to me, more like ignoring me. At least he wasn't throwing small hurtful comments at me like Zayn did. I noticed how defensive he got when one of his friends or someone he loved got harassed or tormented by other people. He once stood up for me when a girl yelled something at me when he was on stage, but I was the one getting yelled at. I didn't even apologize, trying to learn not to be such a pushover. "Do you mind if I play my game?" he asked me. I shook my head, curling up so that there was room on the couch for him to sit in front of the TV. "Thanks."

I leaned on the couch while reading through the pages quickly. He played his game quietly. The awkward tension in the room grew as neither of us spoke. It was so thick that I couldn't breathe and the two of us both knew it was there. "Niall," I finally said, "do you actually think I did it?" I questioned silently, releasing the breath that I had been holding.

He didn't pause his game or anything, but he sighed and bit down on his bottom lip. "" he answered. I raised my eyebrows in shock. "But I'm not too know, because of Perrie."

"Thank you." I looked over at him with a smile. Harry, the one who actually said that he'd never hate me or ditch me, was the one who was ignoring me and excluding me. I was not usually one to pick favorites, but Niall was at the top of the list. "At least I know that some people have a little trust in me." I picked up my book again and it became quiet once again.

Later on, we finally arrived at our new location. These past few days had been us all on the tour bus, getting off for concerts, then getting back on. It had been a blast, actually, hearing them trash talk me when I was literally just a door away. They didn't talk as quietly as they thought they did and it was sort of heartbreaking to hear the first people I trusted in years talking about me in such a way over something I didn't even do.

I entered the dressing room, the usual hang out place where everyone was. I walked in and made my way towards the couch. Zayn turned around and looked at me before turning to Perrie again. She didn't look too happy, a little sad actually. I didn't know what I could've done to anyone; I've hardly been using my voice, so it couldn't have been me.

Zayn approached me and sat beside me. "I really don't want to raise my voice at you right now." he said in a deep tone. "But you're really pushing it."

Oh. And I was hoping for a hug.

"Before you flip out on me, can you let me in on what I did this time?" I folded down the page I was on and closed it.

That comment only seemed to make him angrier, so that probably wasn't the smartest thing to say. "When are you going to fess up and admit what you've been doing? Every other time you want to apologize over the dumbest little things, but when you actually do something that affects the rest of us, you don't? It's clear what's going on here and there's literal proof, yet you're still playing dumb. I'm starting to believe that you're an actual idiot."

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