Chapter Three

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"So c'mon, c'mon and dance with me, baby." They finished off the song. Liam went to take a sip of water and Niall laughed at something Louis said. Harry was now wearing this sort of flower crown that a fan handed to him and Zayn was talking to him. The way they performed seemed so relaxed and comfortable, making me smile.

A couple of girls began yelling things like, "Who's Zayn dating? Who's that girl he was with?" Niall was sitting around the edge of the stage to figure out what they were saying.

He giggled, "Who? Hollister? They aren't dating." Gemma nudged me and laughed. The word must've gotten around the fandom quickly that we were dating, also known as walking out of the elevator together and shaking his hand.

"Yeah, I saw the pictures. They were on the Internet and its only been about seven hours, or so." Liam added. "Anyways, it's time for the Twitter questions!" He shouted to the crowd. The Twitter questions were when they picked questions from the Internet that the fans sent in and they would answer them on stage in between their performances.

The drummer, Josh, played a small beat in the background as the first question popped up on the screen behind them. Zayn looked up at the screen, "'If you could be any jungle animal for a week, what would you be and why?' Easy question. I'd be a cheetah because I could run away from anyone and they'd all be afraid of me. They wouldn't even try to mess with me." he answered.

"Clever," Louis nodded, "but I think the lion would be a better choice. Only because it's the king of the jungle and nobody would mess with me. I'd be the coolest cat in that jungle." Louis said into the microphone. Harry agreed with his statement.

Liam took a moment to think about the animal before going with a giraffe because they never seem to be to hurt anyone or be involved with any drama and then Niall chose a puma just because they seem cool. They really took time to think the questions through. The next question was read by Louis and it was to share their celebrity crush. "I'm a fan of Natalie Portman." Louis shared with the crowd.

"Leona Lewis for me." Liam announced over the girls who were screaming incredibly loud for absolutely no reason.

"Rihanna's pretty hot," Harry nodded at the other boys, "It's just a known fact."

When Zayn was about to answer, some girl in the third row shouted, "I bet you like that stupid chick that you were with today!" Everything seemed to somehow bounce back to me. I didn't like being the center of attention. Zayn looked a little taken back. She must have a loud mouth for a lot of us to hear that comment over the other screeching girls. The arena wasn't too loud at that point since they were all talking. How was I even stupid to them? I hardly did anything. They didn't know me. I pretended that I didn't hear that comment and focused on Liam dancing to the beat.

"She's not a stupid chick and I wasn't going to pick her. You don't even know her." He said, pulling his microphone away from his mouth. Only a few people must've heard him. He walked back a little bit and glanced at me. I awkwardly looked down, happy that he stood up for me like that. When I looked up, he covered the microphone and mouthed a sorry to me. "So, um, yeah Katy Perry."

The other four boys were a little quiet, staring at Zayn, before Niall broke the silence. "Demi Lovato." Niall stated, making teenage girls squeal again.

They answered three more questions that said 'do the dance that you would use to impress a girl', 'can you put your leg behind your head', and 'who could do the most push ups'. One Direction sang a couple of more songs before closing it up and walking off stage. They all were congratulated on a great show by numerous people and as they walked passed me, I said, "That was incredible, guys. Best first concert ever."

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