Chapter Thirty Five

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I slipped on my black and white bikini and tied my straightened hair up into a sloppy bun. I simply put on an oversized sweat shirt as my cover up and put on flip flops. I tucked my diary, my phone, earphones, and a water bottle into my purse before walking out of the bathroom. I wasn't wearing much makeup because of my skin problems, but I had on mascara and eyeliner. Since I was only going to the pool, that was enough.

I stepped over the boys' legs, who had stopped talking abruptly, as if they weren't talking about me. The walls were only made of wood, not some sort of metal, sound blocking material. I could hear them clearly, especially since they were shouting. I continued towards the door before I heard someone talking again. I didn't pay much attention to it, because since when did he talk to me? It had been like over two weeks of me being constantly harassed. "Hey!"

I jumped and turned around to see Zayn sitting on the couch, staring at me. "Oh, sorry, are you talking to me?" I questioned. Him? Speaking words to me? That aren't 'back off of my girlfriend'? Wow, what a shock...

"I said where are you going?"

"Pool." I replied, taking a room key off the countertop.

"You'll miss the concert, we're leaving in forty five minutes." Louis added from the floor, not even bothering to make eye contact with me. Oh no, they're leaving in forty five minutes? I better rush my tanning time so that I can go to the concert and listen to them scream at me for no reason at all! Wouldn't want to miss that!

"Go on without me, I don't mind." I said, hurrying out. I pressed the elevator button to get down to the lobby and waited for the ding to let me know it was time to go. I heard the chaos before the doors even split. Girls excitedly pounded on the hotel's windows, hoping it was Liam Payne or something. When they saw it was me, the calmed down but some waved just as happily. I smiled at them all and waved back to be friendly.

I headed to the pool and went to the door so that I could tan. Once I heard the noise level, I turned back around and decided to sit on a chair near the window with sunlight shining through it. Close enough.

I slipped out of my sweatshirt and laid down with my sunglasses covering my eyes and my earphones in my ears. I was listening to Lorde's "Royals" and hummed along, at least trying to relax but considering the stress level I was at, I didn't see that it was possible.

If only the boys knew my side of the story and how I was asleep while Perrie did whatever to her face, I wouldn't be so upset right now. I didn't even touch her. Yet nobody believed me because I suddenly turned into a mean person. I was not trying to have a big head or sound conceited but they all should have known that I was rarely mean to anyone, and if I was, you would really really have to tick me off. Even if I was pissed off, I would have apologize and own up to what I did! I try my best to be the nicest and kindest I could be.

The sun was shining through the glass ceiling and window and I pulled my phone up. I went on Instagram and liked a lot of posts when I heard someone speaking to me. I took out my earphones and turned around to see a smug looking Perrie Edwards behind me. I suppressed the urge to say 'ugh' and just said, "I'm sorry?"

"I said, 'how does it feel to know that everyone hates you? I bet you know that I don't play around now, don't you'." Perrie giggled, sitting herself down beside me. I stared at her for a second, narrowing my eyes before gathering my things to stand up. I put my sweatshirt back on, ready to find a new activity to do. "Wait. I actually came down here to do something."


"I wanted to apologize." she stated. Before I could even reply, she started laughing. "I'm just kidding."

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