Chapter Six

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{Hollister's POV}

I twisted my fork in the middle of my spaghetti mountain in front of me before shoving a bunch of pasta in my mouth. This was the most I've eaten in a while. The table was filled with amazing food that I haven't tried before and there was so much of it. What I was eating was basically the equivalent of what I would eat within three months. The boys scarfed it down like wild animals. I stabbed a meatball with my fork and brought it to my mouth. Mmm, delicious.

There was only one breadstick left and I reached for it. No one seemed to want it since it had been sitting there for a few minutes. Right as my hand was on it, another hand was under mine. I followed the arm back to Zayn. "Here, you have it." He placed it onto my plate with a light smile forming on his lips.

"You were touching it before me, you deserve it." I put it back on his plate. We argued back and forth on who should get the breadstick, which shouldn't have even been an argumentative topic, before Liam walked over to the two of us.

He split it in half, dropping one on my plate and the other on Zayn's. "There. Eat it before you switch because one of you has the bigger piece." He sat back down, drinking his lemonade. I laughed at them and began eating my spaghetti again. Mine was the bigger piece.

I looked at the taco on the tray across the table. I wondered if they tasted any good. I've never tried one before and now that it was right in front of me, I didn't see why I shouldn't try it. "Are tacos any good?" I asked, the question being directed towards anyone in the room.

They stopped and looked at me, "You've never had a taco before?" Harry asked, putting his fork down. I shook my head and they gave me a shocked expression. "How is that even possible?"

"I'm sort of a vegetarian." It wasn't by choice. The only food my parents gave me were only vegetables, fruit, crackers, eggs, stuff like that. They looked at the amount of meatballs that I had rolling around on my plate, the small burger, and the bacon and then back at me, "I mean I was a vegetarian. It was more of a family thing. The only things they made and bought to eat had no meat in it." I explained to them. I got very little or no protein while living with them.

Niall reached for the taco at the end of the table and placed it on my plate. "Eat it." he urged.

"So it is good?" All of them nodded and I picked it up awkwardly. "How do I even hold it...?" Do I turn it or do I turn my head. Louis positioned my hands correctly and I took a bite while they all silently watched me. This tastes wonderful. I love this. I'm in love with this taco. I've been missing out on so much.

"Do you like it?" Liam asked. I nodded and took another bite. "I think she likes it."

Soon, my stomach had reached its full capacity and I offered to do the dishes. I was so full that I wouldn't even need to eat for three more days. I've trained myself to not eat for a long period of time over the years, and I was sure anyone else would too if they lived at my house for a couple of years. They didn't feed me, I had to sneak around to get food. "Holly, you don't have to do the dishes." Harry appeared behind me.

"No, it's fine. You guys go be boys and I'll clean up. It's no problem." I shooed him off.

The boys were sitting in the living room area, watching some movie on Netflix. Not really paying attention to what I was doing, but paying attention to the shirtless hottie on the screen, I accidentally cut my hand while washing a knife, "Ouch--" I closed my mouth and covered that noise that I made with a cough. They all looked at me in confusion but I pretended that I didn't see them.

"Are you okay?" I heard Zayn beside me. I nodded, "Are you sure?" It stung a lot more because while pretending I didn't see the boys, I got soap in my cut. I felt like if I opened my mouth, I'd make a weird groaning sound. "Let me see your hand." He put his hand out.

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