Chapter One

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{Zayn's POV}

"Come on, guys, before we get caught." Harry whispered, opening the hotel room door; it creaked ever so slightly. Louis and I walked past him and he closed the door gently, not wanting to wake the others, even though Liam was awake on the couch but too lazy to tag along.

"Remind me why were doing this again, please." I muttered with a tired look on my face. Harry and Louis woke me up in the middle of my first sleep in a couple of days to force me to sneak out with them. I walked down the empty hallway and made my way towards the elevator.

Louis stopped and looked at me, "We're getting ice cream, for the last time." He stated before continuing.

I rolled my eyes at him and followed Harry and Louis. I should've stayed behind with Liam and Niall. I hadn't slept in a day or two and when I finally did, they forced me up to get ice cream when I don't even want any. "Cheer up, lad. I know you're still upset about Perrie and the break--"

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Had to bring up her name? I'm trying to distract myself about what happened." Perrie decided that our relationship wasn't going to work out because we were both always out in a different country. She broke up with me a couple of nights ago over text, then didn't even want to answer any of my calls. What did she know? She didn't know if we were gonna work out or not, because I personally thought we could do it; we've been doing it for over a year now.

I pressed the lobby button and we stood in an awkward silence while the jazz music played in the background. Finally the doors parted for us to step out. Lucky for the three of us, there weren't any paparazzi or fans waiting outside to mob us. Not many people were roaming around at two thirty in the morning, and neither should I. Louis and Harry were goofing around behind me and I spotted the small ice cream shop ahead at the corner.

As I got nearer, I heard a light breathing sound. It wasn't Harry or Louis because it was coming from in front of us. I looked around to see if I saw anyone or anything but I didn't see anything. "Guys, do you hear that sound?" I turned around. "Or am I just hearing things?" I questioned, listening to the sound of loud breathing.

"It could just be me. I get very excited over twenty-four hour ice cream shops." Louis joked.

"No, actually listen."

We all stood silently, "Who's breathing through their mouth like that?" Harry looked between Louis and I and we both shrugged.

We all followed the noise into a narrow, dark alley that was beside the ice cream shop. I took out my phone and turned on the flashlight. A small gasp escaped all of our lips. A thin girl with long, dark, flowing hair was laying unconsciously on a small stack of newspapers. Her hair was basically being used as her blanket. It was clear to see that she was soaked to the skin; it had been raining earlier. Her shoes were muddy and there were bruises on her face. I squatted down beside her to get a closer look.

I waved my hand in front of her face and she didn't move. She was either in a deep sleep or she was unconscious. The bruises on her face and the cut on her nose made me believe that someone knocked her out or hit her. I moved some hair from her face and saw blood. I knew she was alive since she was breathing pretty heavily a few seconds ago but that didn't mean she wasn't badly injured.

"I think she's sleeping," Louis got a closer look. "Quite weird place to take a nap, though." It wasn't the time for jokes, this was serious. I had no idea what to do.

"Or she was knocked out. Check out these bruises on her face." I beckoned them over to me. "Are we just going to leave her here? Because she could be really hurt." I questioned, looking at the boys. They stood there for a few seconds, thinking about their answer.

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