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  Chapter: Twenty Eight.



Eric hissed and rolled over on the bed, it took him a lot to fall asleep and now his mother is waking him up again.

"Eric get down here this minute!"


"I said get down here, you've been sleeping for the past ten hours!"

"What?!" Eric jumped from the bed and crashed on the wooden floor. "Ten hours?!" He did not believe it, he could swear he hadn't slept one hour yet.

"Are you coming?!" The angry woman yelled again.

"Yes," Eric whispered under his breath.


"Coming!" He hissed then got up before stumbling out of the room.

"Are you feeling alright?!" She asked worriedly as soon as she caught sight of her son.

"Yes mum and please....could you cut it on the exaggeration." Eric dropped on the sofa both hands rubbing at his eyes.

"Ex...what!" The woman asked surprised.

"Ten hours. Really mum?!"

"What time did you go to bed?"

"I don't know maybe around seven after we had breakfast!"

"What time is it now?" She crossed both arms and stared down at him.

"Past six." Eric's eyes widen. "What the hell?!" He jumped. "Fuck I missed my interview." He cursed. "Why didn't you wake me up earlier?!"

"Are you crazy!" The woman asked. "Do you know how long I have been trying to wake you up!"

"Why did you wake me now?!"

"It's time for dinner since you missed lunch-"

The sound of the doorbell ringing paused both mother and child's arguments.

"I'll get it," Eric told her and walked towards the door while his mother made her way to the kitchen.

Eric opened the door and stared at nothing, no one rang the bell and no one stood at the door.

"Sucker!" He cursed and shut the door.

The bell went off again and he spun around, fist clenched tightly but when he opened the door this time there was a cold dark figure right in front of him.

"Shit!" Eric hissed and tried shutting the door. "Who are you?!" He thought he yelled that question but apparently, it was barely a whisper.


Jameson has been standing there even when the older boy first came out.

When he rang the bell the second time he showed himself, he wanted to stick his dagger into the boy's throat and end his life at once but remembering what the demons told him he held back his anger.

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