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Chapter: Six.


The night was cold and Jameson could feel a storm coming. Having just stolen a few supplies and taken them to his treehouse.

Jameson walked at a slow pace, nothing in his life is worth the rush. Everything comes to those who wait. Soon the storm broke off and a strong rain came pouring down, not that it ever bothered him. Jameson loved it when the rain falls on him like that. He was happy, well so he thought until he saw a white ball crawled under an old abandoned dog house, probably scared of the angry storm. Jameson frowned but walked over to the poor creature already half wet. It's hiding place wasn't doing it any good since the roof is leaking from almost everywhere.

Once Jameson reached the cat he went on his kneel in front of the dog cage and whistle quietly for the cat. The animal purred and climbed on his knees. He carried the cat and for a moment there gave it a warm hug, before he put the cat back down in the dog cage. He pets its ears, under its neck and then the stomach, the cat purred excitedly and rolled onto it's back, all four legs hanging upwards as Jamieson massaged it stomach the cat purring all the way. The old dog house shielding the cat from the merciless rain. Once the cat threw it's head to the left, he slowly drew his dagger and as fast as he had brought the dagger out, he'd slit the cat's neck open. Tick red blood flowed smoothly and he played with it for a while, tasting the warm fluids on his bare hands.

The metallic smell mixed with rain intoxicating to inhale but Jameson wasn't finished yet. Carefully he dogged the sharp blade into the cat's left eye and pulled the round ball out, then he went for the right and pulled it out as well. Jameson laid the eyes aside and then started slicing off the ears one at a time. Blood kept coming as he cut through the flesh, he was having the time of his life mutilating the cat's body parts.

Jameson pointed the dagger on the cat's jaw then he pressed it in pulling and splitting the stomach open all the way to its anus. A wide grin filled Jameson's lips as he dug through intestines and gore while pulling out all the bloody watery things in the opened belly. The smell of blood filled his nostrils.

One at a time he pulled every single thing he found in the cat's stomach and laid them out on the dog house.

One more thing left for the taken and he found it and slowly more carefully Jameson cut the heart out. He held it up as rain washed the blood away from the heart and his hands as well. Jameson dropped his prize in his shoulder bag and then stood up while gathering the remains of the dead cat. He walked to the old woman's doorstep and placed each body parts carefully on the doormat.

He heard the cat helps the old woman with her depression. Well, he has done her good by killing it so, now she can die in peace.

Satisfied, Jameson walked home. It wasn't much of a walk home since they live close by, but it was enough to let the rain wash him clean of the cat's blood before he got to his tiny resting place.

Jameson unlocked the door and went into the room, his eyes caught sight of his small bed and he fell into it.

Sleeping with wet damped and sticky clothes is what he was used to, so it didn't take him anything before sleep claimed him, but not before he had taken his prize and kept it with the rest.


An unending bang on his door jolted Jameson awake from his peaceful slumber.

"Who the fuck is that? And what in hell do they want?"

Jameson hissed, rolled over and went back to sleep. Five minutes was all it took for the demented person to start banging on his door once again.

"Fuck off!" Jameson yelled, the idiot at the door seems not to know when to stop. Words could not describe how angered he was at that point. Jameson made up his mind if whoever that was is not ready to break down his door, he was not ready to open it.

Jameson was going to enjoy suffering whoever is out there as much as they have suffered him.

Without any care in the world, Jameson climbed out of bed and walked into his tiny bathroom. There he took his time in brushing his teeth and washing his face. When he came out the bang still continues, he ignored it and started undressing the clothes he wore the previous night. Once he was dressed and all cleaned up, he threw the clothes he wore yesterday out of his window into a pit hole dug out back by him. No one goes back there since it was all bushy. Jameson heard his father's angry tone and those of his mother and sister whispering whatever the hell they like to the mad man at his door.

Jameson wondered why he hasn't broken down the door yet. He walked toward the door, but just two feet's before his door came crashing down. Dust filled his vision making it hard for him to see. Jameson walked out from his room to be greeted by two hard slaps on both cheeks, he didn't flinch. If his father had slapped him a while ago he didn't feel anything.

Gone are those days, when the things his father did affect him.

Jameson trudged towards his father while the sick coward backed away from him until Jameson had his back trapped against the wall. Jameson locked the man's neck with one strong hand and pressed hard, choking the man in the process.

"You fucking touch me again and you'll regret it." Jameson screeched as his fist came in contact with the wall, cracking the hard bricks, blood ran down his knuckles but he could care less since he didn't feel a thing. He has three great people to thank for that.

Jameson felt his father took in harsh intakes of breath and smirked before releasing the man. He turned to find his mother in front of him and his all-time good sister hiding behind her mother.

"James-" The woman shut her mouth once her eyes met those of Jameson.

"What the hell do you all want from me this morning?!" Jameson yelled at his mother and saw tears ran down the woman's cheeks.

That's right let them cry, they all irk him to no end. He hates every single one of them and it's only a matter of time before he took care of them once and for all.

"W-we got a call from the school t-that you've missed out on school for a month." His mother's shaky voice irritated him and the sight of the fourteen-year-old clenching mother dearest arms tightly almost had him barfing.

They were pathetic.

"So bloody what?!" Jameson asked his mother, who was busy staring at the grasses under her feet as if they have grown golden flowers. "What is it to you whether I go to school or not? It's not like you pay anything for it and need I remind you that this boy has been looking after himself since he was five. You all better stay away from my part or I'll crush every single one of you!" Jameson pushed both mother and daughter into the man still pressed against the wall, too scared to move.

They come and act like they care, while they didn't. This was his time to share hate and he is giving it in full unto all that deserves it.

Once Jameson came out the front porch he saw old lady Stella on the bed as the paramedics pushed her into their van and then drove her off.

"For her own good, she had better be dead."

Jameson thought as he made a turn for his destination.


Here you have it my lovelies another chapter out.

Have fun reading, Votes, Comments and enjoy.


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