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Chapter: Sixteen.


Jameson stood and admired the massive living room he was in, a devilish grin on his lips as he turned to his destination. The quietness of the building almost made the evil boy laugh, someone was home and Jameson knew where they are. His shoes made no sounds as he mounted the stairs. Jameson pulled out his black gloves and wore them on both hands before reaching for his small-sized ax. The object felt wonderful on his hands as he did a few test swings, then gently he pressed his ears to the door and gave a soft.




"Mom and Dad are out on date night, I want you to come over!" Kelly spoke into her phone as she scrolled through pictures of her boyfriend on her computer.

"Sure babe!" Kyle answered but went quiet for a while.

"Are you there?!"

"Sorry love but I just remembered I have to run over to the store for my Dad" The boy spoke and added just immediately. "But I will be there as soon as I got back."

"Alright....but try to hurry it up, I'm bored been here all alone!"

"I promise babe--"

"Did you hear that?" Kelly whispered as she spun around facing her bedroom door.

"Hear what babe?" Kyle asked concerned.

"My door..."

"Babe are you alright, what's wrong?"

Kelly listened to be sure her ears weren't playing tricks on her, she could have sworn she heard something.


"I guess it's nothing boyfriend, I just thought I heard something." Kelly went back to her phone once again.

"You got me worried there." Kyle exhaled.

Kelly slowly turned back to her computer but not without missing that soft.



Once again and this time she was terrified.

"I think there is someone at my door Kyle!" The girl whispered softly, her eyes glued on the pink door.

"Did you lock the door?" Kyle asked.

"I did," Kelly answered then stood up. "I think I'll go have a look." She got up and walked to her door then very gently unlocked and pulled it open to reveal a very bright and empty hallway, she looked around with her phone still pressed tightly on her ear. "I'm going downstairs."

"Be careful, and if you think you really heard something I suggest you call the police immediately." Kyle sounded really worried.

Kelly made it down to the living room and once again she was greeted by silence and emptiness, a relief breath escaped her as she brushed sweats away from her forehead.

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