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Chapter: Seventeen.


Kelly was beyond amazed to see that she was still alive after having been raped by a heartless murderer, she has lost so much blood and her breathing was so faint that it comes once in every few seconds. Kelly counted the seconds and hoped this all end sooner.

For the first time in seventeen years, Kelly wished she had told her family to stay behind.

Jameson finished dressing up, his hoodie covering his face once again, weapons in hands as he climbed into bed for the second time but with different purposes in mind.

Jameson sat on the dying girl's pelvis then dropped his dagger in between her spread legs, he raised his ax and smiled when the sharp object winked with the pink light in the girl's room, then he swung down into Kelly's chest blood splashed all over the place as the girl did a few jerky movements then lay flat.

She had died.

Jameson tore her open in such a way that it looked as if it were a big opened bag of blood, he cut her tongue out and then pulled on various organs discarding them in a pile on the bed, her intestines bunched up and knotted like a nightmarish banquet of flowers. Jameson didn't stop until he has found the heart and had cut it out, blood-soaked the bed and dripped down from every side. A satisfied grin filled the demon boy's soul as he dropped the heart carefully into his bag and made his way out from the room closing the door behind him.

He was soaked in blood yet none touched the grounds as he stepped on his way out into the cold night.

The clouds were forming and lightning could be seen dancing around the darkened sky.


Jameson spotted the car that has just driven into the driveway and he quickly hid behind a tall tree one he was certain wasn't there from when he had first arrived. Jameson looked on and saw the driver pulled out his phone and then pressed it into his ear. Jameson moved unnoticed until he was in a close range then he brought out his ax and threw it to the boy in the driver's seat.

By the time Kyle noticed the flying ax, it was too late, it hit his forehead breaking the skull open and killing the boy instantly, blood painted the boy's face and drenched his football jersey.

Jameson reached for the car handle and pulled it open, Kyle's lifeless body fell into the grass with a heavy thump, Jameson dragged the dead boy into the flowers he had hidden in earlier and then began stripping the boy of his clothing, once the boy was naked he went to work on ripping the chest open to seek yet a second heart for the night. While he was busy tearing up Kyle's chest and pulling out his organs the blood from the dead boy painted the once white and yellow flowers red and more Blood dripped down from its branches as if the flowers cried blood and for once since that night the flowers smelt right. Jameson smiled an actual smile in days as he stood to put his prize into his bag, he stared at the blood-stained flowers they looked perfect and it soothes him.

"Now that feels right," Jameson muttered to himself as he walked out from behind the flowers and into the night.

Halfway into the forest, the sky wept and rain came pouring down hard flooding his parts as he stepped but he wasn't the least bothered by it. He knew his way into the forest and he could easily find his way home even on blindfolds. Jameson was cleaned from the blood of his victims by the time he reached his destination.

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