Chapter 2.37: Farewell to the sunshine

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Yoongi watched himself from Hoseok’s eyes, seeing their memories how Hoseok saw them, it felt like watching a movie.

It all started with a mistake, Hoseok walking out of the court room with mixed feelings about the whole thing, not expecting the test he took to result in being artifically synced to someone he didn’t like at the time. Yoongi watched as the memory showed in front of his eyes.

(Chapter one: Mistake of Synced, Hoseok’s point of view)

“What are you staring at?” Yoongi rudely asked.

“Not you that’s for sure,” I shot back, equally annoyed with him. Does he really think I wanted this?

“Whatever you say Hoesuck,” Yoongi mocked me, I raised an eyebrow.

“Whatever Yoongay,” I replied, finising my test and walking away.

The memory faded away after that, fading back into when he and Hoseok were laying in the bed together, where they shared their first kiss. Though Yoongi wasn’t looking at Hoseok, he was staring at himself from Hoseok’s point of view.

It was after Hoseok told him the truth about his pain, the truth about him being beat by his appa.

(Chapter 10: Kiss of Synced, Hoseoks point of view)

Yoongi was truly beautiful, I wonder if he knew that. His hair shone so brightly under the moonlight, his gorgeously pale skin a drastic contrast to his opaque sheets. I wonder how his lips feel, are his cheeks as soft as clouds? Just like how they look?

I didn’t notice that I was touching his cheek, I decided to take a chance, what could I really loose?

I pressed my lips againt Yoongi’s, waiting for him to do something, and thankfully he kissed me back!

Our lips moved in perfect sync, my hands moving to his waist as his wrapped around my neck. Our kiss was sweet,

At first.

Not pulling away, I moved him to sit on my lap, my urge to taste him further pushing me to bite his bottom lip, though he was being stubborn, refusing to open his mouth. I groaned. With a smirk, I moved my hands down to his ass, and squeezed him, causing him to moan, a literal perfect moment for me to stick my tongue in his mouth.

He couldn’t be anymore perfect.

Yoongi could feel himself crying, he was overwhelmed with emotions, seeing everything from Hoseok’s point of view made everything so different and more emotional. Was this what purple eyes was? Seeing everything from your lovers point of view?

The memories flashed from them unsyncing,

(Chapter 17: Unsynced of Synced)

I don’t want him to hurt because of me anymore, he tries to hide it, but I know he’s hurt. Once NamJoon offered I had to take it, even if it hurt me more then it hurt him, I love him too much to see him so hurt. I just didn’t expect him to end things, but i know it’s for his own good.

To when they naturally synced,

(Chapter 19: Natural of Synced)

He is literally the biggest tease, I can’t believe he put Fifty Shades of Grey. I can’t belive were doing this, but I wouldn’t want to loose my virginty to anyone else.

“Though this is both our first, let’s make it memorable”

When they found each other again after Yoongi was kidnapped.

(Chapter 36: I love you so so much of Synced)

“HOSEOK!” I heard Yoongi call out, watching as tears streamed down hsi pale cheeks.

I hugged Jimin first, feeling terrible for neglecting him. Then running to Yoongi, I unlocked his cell, holding his cheeks and connecting our lips after what felt like an eterinity.

“I fucking missed you.”

To when Hoseok proposed.

(Was briefly mentioned that they were engaged)

The nervous feeling that bloomed within Hoseok’s stomach almost made him want to puke, his hands were shaky and he couldn’t identify where he even got the courage to do this in the first place.

He heard the door open, revealing his sync in a beautiful red suit, his blonde hair styled beautifully. The commotion arond them stopped, it felt like they were the only ones in the world, Hoseok finally taking a deep breath and getting down on one knee.

He saw Yoongi’s surprised expression, tears pricking his gorgeous eyes. “Don’t worry,” he whispered, in an attempt to comfort Yoongi, which worked sligjhtly.

“Min Yoongi, my love, my soulmate, will you marry me?”


The happy memories stopped when it faded to Yoongis most recent one with Hoseok, his harsh reality coming true, his body collapsing on himself.

(Chapter 2.35 and 2.36 of Sejun’s Return Hoseok’s point of view)

Hoseok never expected Sejun to really slit his throat, right in front of Yoongi, right in front of the people who meant the most to him.

He heard a pained scream, one he recognized to be his syncs, but he couldn't call out to him with the pain he was feeling.

“Hoseok baby, you need to survive, for me, for our kids, baby you need to live for me. I can’t do this w-without you, my love, please please don't leave me, we promised each other that we wouldn't leave. I love you so fucking much Jagi, please. H-hoseok please fight a little longer, I know you can do this, I know you can do this for us, I can’t lose you, not again, not like this. Hoseok you can’t die!” he heard Yoongi scream at him, but he still couldnt do much.

Hoseok sent Yoongi a message, when he knew Yoongi heard since he began to scream in protest to Hoseoks words.

After that, all the male saw, was black.

Two chapters left till we departure from the beloved Sejuns Return.

I didn't promise a happy ending, did i?

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