Chapter 2.29: You're not going to kill me

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"You fucking warned him!" Sejun shouted at Hoseok, the silver haired male not even flinching at his yells. 

"You know, you sound real fucking stupid right now," Hoseok commented, his arms crossed as he stood in his cell, "why in the hell wouldn't I warn my fiance?" 

Sejun only huffed, regretting it once he felt the sharp pain in his shoulder from his stab wound, which he ended up stitching himself. 

The elder male stood in front of Hoseoks cell, Hoseok radiating the same amount of anger and annoyance with the male, Jia just sitting in her own cell silently. Hoseok felt an superfluous amount of pain, grief, and sadness, well aware that Ms.Min was dead and Yoongi was hurting. 

It wasn't like Hoseok could communicate with Yoongi anymore, Sejun injecting him with the liquid right when he got back. 

"Next was supposed to be SeokJin! But now I can't fucking get him because that crazy women stabbed me!" the crazy male shouted in anger. 

Hoseok was already pissed off, "you fucking killed her! You sick bastard!" 

Sejun ran up to Hoseok's cell, grabbing the male by the throat, "you should really watch your words sunshine, next up could be you." 

The silver haired male laughed, he fucking laughed, which only angered Sejun more, "you're not going to kill me." 

"What makes you so sure?" 

"Im your only leverage against the boys, the only think keeping them motivated to find you, I'm the only threat you have against them, and if I die, they just won't care to look for your ass anymore," Hoseok spoke a matter a factly. 

Jia spoke too, "and me too, Ilsung won't stop looking for me, and neither will the police, since i'm so young." 

"Stop talking! Both of you!" the male suddenly screamed, releasing Hoseok from the hold he once had him in. 

The silver haired male sighed in quiet relief, not showing the fear he actually felt. Though the male did have a question burning within him. 

"Why do you want to go after us? Especially SeokJin and NamJoon?" the male asked, Sejun turning to face him with a dark gaze. 

He took a deep breath, seating himself on a chair in front of all his liquids and syringes. "SeokJin ruined my life. Try being in love with someone, thinking they were your one and only, your sync, only to find out they have someone else. NamJoon and I loved each other, until he met SeokJin, I saw the link between them when they first met-" 

"But if you love someone, like how you loved NamJoon, you wouldn't try and ruin their happiness," the younger interrupted, not even fazed that he was having a conversation with his kidnapper. 

Sejun huffed, "what if it was Yoongi, huh? Would you let him go that easily, just so he could be with someone else?"

"If that someone was his natural sync, then yes! We were literally taught you sync with your true love, i wouldn't do what you're doing!" Hoseok shouted at him. 

"Jin doesn't deserve NamJoon," Sejun insisted.

"Neither do you," Hoseok retaliated. "Why go after Yoongi and I, if your beef is with NamJoon and Jin, or kill your own sister, or Yoongi's eomma! i'm not saying to go after them, but what the hell do you have against me?" 

Sejun chuckled, amused by how oblivious even the most beautiful could be, the fact that Hoseok didn't know why Sejun was after him made him laugh.

"I'm after the people who have wronged me, betrayed me and ultimately ruined my life. My dearest sister helped you guys find me and the boys in the first place-"

"MY EOMMA! YOU KILLED HER IN COLD BLOOD YOU ASSHOLE!" Jia suddenly screamed in anguish, tears streaming down her pale cheeks, she missed her eomma more then anyone. 

Though Sejun only ignored her while Hoseok looked at her with pity. 

"You though, Hoseok, might have done the worst thing someone has ever done to me. When you injected me with that liquid 5 years ago, the day you found your precious Yoongi, it resulted in me being unable to sync with my natural sync." Sejun explained, tears welling up in his eyes. 

Hoseok furrowed his eyebrows, "What do-"

"I found my natural sync when I was in prison, her name was Seoyun, she was a guard there and w-we fell in love, she was my natural sync. When we did it, she became naturally synced to me but i felt nothing, soon realizing that the liquid you injected in me was the cause of the whole thing, she's part of the reason i escaped prison," the elder continued, single tears streaming down his face. 

How the hell did someone fall in love with him? One crazy with another, Hoseok thought, but decided to not say anything out loud. 

"Well maybe if you hadn't taken my Yoongi, then that would have never happened." 

Sejun chuckled bitterly, standing up and walking over to a door Hoseok was unable to see. 

"This is only the beginning of my revenge Hoseok."


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