Chapter 2.27 : I love you too

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Hoseok and Jia gone: Almost 2 months 

Yoongi packed up his things, ready to go out to Jin's house to 'hangout' with his best friends, the male trying not to let the fact that Hoseok was kidnapped consume him, even though every where he turned it felt like he was there. 

"Hey Yoongi," Kihyun greeted, said male giving him a small smile. 

"Hey Kihyun, what's up?" 

Kihyun took a deep breath before speaking, "I-i was just wondering if there was any news on Hoseok." 

Yoongis breath hitched slightly, tears pricking his eyes at the mention of his lover, though he suppressed the urge to cry, "unfortunately no, the cops not really doing their job with finding him," the, now maroon haired, male stuffed his laptop in his bag, slinging it over his shoulder, "but thanks for asking Kihyun." 

He pat the younger males back as he walked out of the studio, a couple tears slipping from his eyes as he got into his car taking deep breaths to try and calm himself down. Hoseok has been gone almost 2 months and everyday Yoongi's faith in his return lessens. The cops weren't much help, and the boys still don't know where to even start to find them. 

hey sunshine, Yoongi began his daily messages, something that he knew Hoseok could hear and felt uplifted by, since every time he sent one a part of him would feel happier. I wonder how you've been, its been almost 2 months and I still don't know how i'm carrying on without you here. I hope you are okay, and i promise we are going to find you sooner or later, because I am not going to go too long without you. I love you. 

Yoongi exhaled, opening his eyes, though he was startled greatly when he heard, a very broken and almost unreadable,

I love you too


Hoseok closed his eyes, his fiance's voice sounding more and more broken everyday that he would send him a message. The male couldn't say that he was doing so well himself, Hoseok was genuinely afraid for Jia's life, the female sleeping way to often, he was scared that one day she'd fall asleep and not wake up. 

Pushing him to share the small rations of food they got with her, so he could ensure her life and safety, the male insisting he was fine when he did so. 

The silver haired male sent Yoongi a message back, knowing that he wouldn't hear anything though it was worth a shot.

Sejun sat down, gathering supplies and such, Hoseok and Jia watching him do this, the male frantic. The elder knew that cops were coming on to him which made him nervous and paranoid every time he went out to do something, causing him to forget to do some things. 

Like give Hoseok the serum that separates him from talking to Yoongi. 

"Where are you going? To kidnap more people?" Hoseok questioned to the elder, who rolled his eyes with a bitter scoff. 

"No, I'm going to settle unfinished business with the person your angel visited a couple weeks ago," Sejun stated nonchalantly, not even minding that he just gave away where he would be going to someone who's link with Yoongi is rebuilding. 

With that Sejun was gone. 

Hoseok winced loudly when he heard screaming in his head, Yoongi's screaming, 

Hoseok Oh my god baby, I can hear you! Are you okay?!

The silver haired male sobbed happily, happy that he could finally talk to his lover using their sync, Jia watching the whole thing silently. 

Yes, I'm okay? But baby I need to ask you something important.

What is it?  He heard Yoongi reply, knowing the male was with the other guys. 

Who did you visit a couple weeks ago, i don't remember?

It took a couple minutes for Yoongi to reply, but Hoseok heard a soft, my eomma. 

The male's heart dropped, he quickly replied to Yoongi, Angel take the boys and go to your eomma right fucking now, I think Sejun is going after your eomma. 

He felt his heart drop a second time, but it wasn't his fear, it was Yoongi's. 

Our dearest mama Min 

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